Early C-section for full-term babies poses risk
Reported January 08, 2009
Toronto (ECN) – A scientific study was done on cesarean sections. United States researchers found that more than fifty percent of cesarean sections that doctors perform are done by the choice of doctors and their patients. Many celebrities have even had elective cesareans because they are worried about the effects that a natural delivery will have on their bodies.
The study found that more than thirty three percent of cesarean deliveries are performed too early by doctors. If babies are born too early then they can have breathing problems and other medical issues.
The scientific study examined 13,258 births. The researchers found that if an elective cesarean section is performed when a woman is thirty seven weeks pregnant that the risk of health complications doubles. A baby is considered a full term baby when the mother has reached thirty seven weeks gestation.
Many women decide to have elective cesarean sections without fully understanding the possible complications that might occur. Many women think that because their baby is considered full term that if they decide to have their baby delivered early then everything will be okay. When women are pregnant they feel uncomfortable and do not like the way that they look. They have their nurseries decorated and are constantly being asked when their babies will be born by friends and family members. Women are anxious to meet their new arrivals and be done with their pregnancies that they ask their doctors to perform elective cesarean sections so that their baby can be delivered. Doctors have a hard time saying no to their patients because the babies are considered full term at thirty seven weeks.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have stated that they feel that a baby should be considered full term when it is thirty nine weeks gestation. Even at thirty eight weeks gestation, there is a fifty percent higher risk for health complications from a cesarean section.
Women need to understand that pregnancy is hard and can be very tiring but getting as far as you can in your pregnancy is what is best for babies. You want your child to have the best start in life that they possibly can. Doctors should only perform early cesarean sections if there is a valid medical reason. Women can wait until they are at least thirty nine weeks pregnant to have an elective cesarean section if they so wish. The medical community needs to think not only of the patients requests but also what is best for the unborn child when they are born. Having a baby is a miraculous event, but you should not rush it just because you want to see your baby or be done with your pregnancy.