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Pregnancy and Birth in Luxembourg
– Reported, February 03, 2012
Once a pregnancy is suspected the first step is to contact the family doctor for an initial examination. After confirmation the woman will be referred to a gynaecologist/obstetrician. Most obstetricians work with specific hospitals and this should be taken into account when choosing one.The woman should inform her employer of the pregnancy by registered letter (lettre recommandée) as soon as possible. A medical certificate must be provided.
Pre-natal Care:There are five compulsory medical examinations and a dental check for pregnant women in Luxembourg. Women must undergo all these checks in order to receive maternity benefits. The first pre-natal health check must take place within the first three months of pregnancy.
During the first visit the gynaecologist will provide a maternity record book (carnet de santé) and a form that will be used to claim pre-natal benefits (allocation prénatale). At each visit the doctor will sign, stamp and fill in the form. Once all the compulsory medical examinations have taken place, the form must be signed by the municipal office of her place of residence to prove that the woman is resident at the address indicated on the form. The form should then be sent to the Family Allowances Fund Office (Caisse nationale des prestations familiales – CNPF).
At: 34 avenue de la Porte Neuve, L-2227 Luxembourg
Tel: 47 71 53 -1
Four main types of tests are carried out during the pregnancy to monitor the mother and the development of the baby. These are
Ultra-sound scan: This test enables the doctor to see the baby in utero and will be repeated three times or more during the pregnancy
Blood and urine tests: Samples will be taken at the first visit, then on a regular basis
Triple test (tri test): usually performed during the fifth month of the pregnancy to analyse the risks of foetal abnormalities
Amniocentesis: Non mandatory test for pregnant women aged 35 or over
Shortly before the due date the baby’s heart rate is also monitored.
The Well Baby Clinic is a non profit organisation providing support and practical guidance during pregnancy and after the birth, pre-natal and yoga classes and informal meetings for mums-to-be. English-speaking support is available in Luxembourg City, and in French, German or Luxembourgish in other parts of the country.
The Well Baby Clinic
Tel: 691 51 17 11
Maternity Benefits and Employment Protection
Women receive a number of benefits and job protection while pregnant.
Pregnant women cannot be made redundant unless gross misconduct (faute grave) can be proven. During the pregnancy and the first three months after the birth, women must not carry out physically demanding work or be exposed to any dangerous environment or tasks. The pregnant women cannot work overtime or nights and may be reassigned to other duties without loss of salary.
Maternity leave
In order to benefit from any maternity allowances the mother-to-be must be resident in Luxembourg and in most cases should have worked at least six months prior to the pregnancy.
Pregnant women are entitled to eight weeks optional paid leave before the birth and eight weeks compulsory paid leave after the birth. This can be extended to 12 weeks in cases of premature births, multiple births or if the mother is breast feeding. At the end of this period, she should be re-integrated at an equivalent position for at least the same salary. Mothers who adopt are also entitled to 8 to 12 weeks paid maternity leave.
Note: Mothers at work are entitled to 90 minutes per day to feed their child for the whole breastfeeding period.
Maternity allowances
Maternity allowances are paid in three parts:
Pre-natal allowance (allocation prénatale): This one-off payment is paid either after all obligatory doctors’ visits have been carried out within a given time-frame or at the same time as the Birth Allowance (Allocation de Naissance).
Birth Allowance (allocation de naissance): To benefit the woman must have given birth in Luxembourg and undergo a medical check between two and ten weeks after the birth. To claim, send a birth certificate and the form that is given by the Commune when the baby’s birth is registered. This benefit is also available to parents that adopt a child.
Postnatal allowance (allocation postnatale): One-off allowance provided six medical examinations have been carried out before the child’s second birthday. This is only paid if the parents are resident in Luxembourg.
Note: Cross border workers employed in Luxembourg are not entitled to the above allowances and must apply for benefits in their country of residence.
Non-working mothers
Maternity allowance (allocation de maternité): available for non-working mothers for eight weeks before and eight weeks after birth.
In Luxembourg-City two hospitals are specialised in obstetrics and gynaecology: the Maternité Grand Duchesse Charlotte, and the Clinique Privée Docteur Bohler. Both clinics allow visits prior to the birth. In other large towns, most hospitals have a maternity unit. Expectant mothers should register at the hospital or clinic beforehand.
Most women give birth in hospital. Home births (accouchement à domicile) are not common in Luxembourg. Home births costs are not reimbursed by the social security or health insurance.
Upon arrival at the hospital the following documents and information must be provided before the mother-to-be can be admitted:
Identity card
Health card (Carte de securité sociale)
Blood group card
Supplementary insurance documents (mutuelle), if applicable
Name of the selected paediatrician (mandatory)
The mother can choose to be admitted in a single or double room. Some Luxembourg maternity hospitals provide relaxation pools and inflatable balls. Following the birth it is normal to spend two to five days in hospital and longer after a caesarean. As well as the doctor and delivery nurses (who are trained midwives), a physiotherapist may assist the birth and in the weeks afterwards to ensure a proper body recovery after the birth.
The gynaecologist/obstetrician is usually present for the birth. The father can attend the birth except in some hospitals in the event of a caesarean.
Post Natal Care
The mother must undergo a medical check between two and ten weeks after the birth.
La Leche League provides information about breastfeeding as well as advice and support in English and several other languages.
Neonatal Care
In the event of a premature birth or if the baby needs specialist neonatal care, facilities in Luxembourg are available, although not in all hospitals. Luxembourg has many agreements with foreign hospitals in neighbouring countries, should special assistance which is not available in the Grand-Duchy be required.
A medical health booklet (carnet de santé) is provided by the hospital after the birth. This booklet contains the child’s medical history and development. All prescribed medications, weight and size measurements are recorded in the carnet de santé. A vaccination card is also provided and should be kept up-to-date. There are no obligatory vaccinations in Luxembourg, although the following are highly recommended during the baby’s first year:
First month: BCG for tuberculosis
From the second month: DTP, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Pneumococcus, Rotavirus and Haemophilus B. Two injections are due in the following two months, followed by a booster injection twelve months after the last injection
From one year of age: measles, mumps and rubella (Rougeole, Oreillons, Rubéole)
Parents will also be offered to have a series of optional eye, hearing and language tests carried out for their child, free of charge.
Registering the Birth
The newborn must be registered at the Office de l’Etat Civil in the Commune where the baby is born within five days by a person present at the child’s birth, usually the father. The following documents are required:
Married parents
Birth declaration (avis de naissance) established by the doctor or midwife
Wedding certificate or family booklet (livret de famille)
Proof of identity of the mother and the person declaring the birth
Unmarried parents
Birth declaration (avis de naissance) established by the doctor or midwife
Identity cards of both parents
If one of the parents is of Luxembourg nationality, a declaration stating the child’s chosen name signed by both parents
Eight copies of the birth certificate (extrait de naissance) are provided. A copy must be sent to each of the following:
Commune where the parents are resident
Family Allowances Fund Office
Health Insurance Office
If applicable, copies may also be sent to;
Supplementary health insurance company
Consulate or Embassy
For further information on registering the birth in Luxembourg: Click here (in French)
If the place of birth is not in the same Commune as the residence of the parents, the birth must also be declared at the Municipal office of the commune of residence upon presentation of the birth certificate.
Name of the Child
One or more first names must be chosen. The surname can be one of the following:
The father’s surname
The mother’s surname
The father’s surname followed by the mother’s surname
The mother’s surname followed by the father’s surname
All children from the same couple must bear the same last name.
Children born in Luxembourg from two non-Luxembourg citizens keep their parents nationality. Under specific circumstances the Luxembourg nationality can be obtained.
Double nationality is possible as far as the parents national laws allow it as well.
Family Allowance
Following the birth a number of allowances are available:
Family allowance (allocations familiales): Monthly payment depending on the number of children in the family and their age. Family allowance may also be affected by disability.
Education allowance (allocation d’éducation): Monthly allowance paid from the end of the maternity leave if the parent decides to stop work completely to raise their child(ren)
Parental Leave
Each parent can take up to six months parental leave (congé parental). One of the parents must take the leave immediately after the end of maternity leave. The other parent can take at any time up to the child’s fifth birthday, but not at the same time as the other parent. Parental leave is paid by the Family Allowances Fund Office. The six months parental leave entitles the parent to a monthly allowance (reviewed annually, but corresponding approximately to the minimum legal salary). The employer must be informed in writing and is required to re-employ the worker in an equivalent position at the end of the parental leave.
Credits: AngloINFO Luxembourg
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