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Low Blood Sugar Threatens Kidney Disease Patients

Low Blood Sugar Threatens Kidney Disease Patients

Reported May 08, 2009

(Ivanhoe Newswire) – A recent study conducted at the University of Maryland revealed new health threats caused by low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The hypoglycemia could be a contributor to CKD patient’s heart-related deaths.

The study included 243,222 patients with either CKD, diabetes, both or neither. The risk of hypoglycemia was highest for patients with both CKD and diabetes, and increased their risk of near-term death.



CDK patients managing diabetes face serious complications as their reduced kidney function may affect their reactions to diabetic medications. These complications may lead to episodes of hypoglycemia, which could cause dizziness, disorientation, slurred speech, convulsions or death.

Researchers found a reduced risk of hypoglycemia for patients with CKD, with or without diabetes. Researchers explain this by their increased care and attention to their health.

SOURCE: Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology, May 2009

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