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Women Fitness : City News

Escape from chemotherapy

Reported November 14, 2007

SAN ANTONIO — Thousands of breast cancer patients each year could be spared chemotherapy or get gentler versions of it without harming their odds of beating the disease, new research suggests.

One study found that certain women did better — were less likely to die or have a relapse — if given a less harsh drug than Adriamycin, a mainstay of treatment for decades.

Another study found that a gene test can help predict whether some women need chemo at all — even among those whose cancer has spread to their lymph nodes, which typically brings full treatment now.

The findings are sure to speed the growing trend away from chemo for many breast cancer patients and target it to a smaller group of women who truly need it, doctors said Thursday at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, where the studies were reported.


”We are backing off on chemotherapy and using chemotherapy more selectively” in certain women, said Dr. Eric Winer.

The gene study, led by Dr. Kathy Albain of Loyola University in Chicago, looked at whether a test accurately predicted chemo’s benefit in 367 women whose hormone-driven cancer had spread to lymph nodes.

A decade after these women were treated, those who had low scores on the gene test were found to have had no benefit from chemo. Conversely, chemo did a lot of good for those with high scores. AP


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