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20 minutes of exercise a day make slender beauties of young mothers

When a baby is born women want to look as beautiful as they were before pregnancy
Usually young mothers find out their belly muscles become flabby, press is slack and spine seems to be bending forward. What is more, diet failures resulted in a bigger fat layer under the skin. This problem as a rule emerges in the last months of pregnancy when a baby is heavy enough; belly muscles seriously stretch because of the baby weight, the bearing gets less attractive. When a baby is born, young mothers must take measures to get rid of excessive fat and strengthen belly muscles.

Athletic instructors recommend not to be too persistent when doing exercises to strengthen belly muscles. At first, the load must be not very heavy otherwise muscles will grow too quickly and women may lose waists.

Better have training 2-3 times a week doing 3 exercises every particular training. It is recommended to begin with training rectus muscles of belly and then proceed to oblique ones. It guarantees that the load will be easier and equal. After childbirth, women should better begin with exercises with short amplitude.

Correct training will give a result not earlier than in three months because the organism needs to get adapted to additional load. Do the exercises with dumb-bells if you want the press to be wonderfully outlined.

First consult a doctor if you suffer from any spine problems; doctor will advise on what muscles training must be focused in this case. It is usually recommended to alternate exercises with different amplitudes.

Curling is an exercise for rectus belly muscles with short amplitude. Lie down on the floor and press the waist against the floor, bend the legs in knees. Put the hands behind the head and turn elbows to the sides. When inhaling, lift head and shoulders off the floor, the chin is directed straight toward the ceiling. Take the starting position when breathing out.

Reverse curling is an exercise for rectus belly muscles with short amplitude. Lie down on the floor and press the waist against the floor, bend the legs in knees. Put the hands behind the head and turn elbows to the sides. When inhaling, lift head and shoulders off the floor, and at the same time lift the pelvis. Take the starting position when breathing out.

Lifting the body is an exercise with long amplitude. Lie down on the floor, bend the legs in knees. Put the hands behind the head, elbows directed to the sides. When inhaling, lift the body off the floor trying to reach the knees. Take the starting position when breathing out.

Another exercise with long amplitude. Press hands against the edges of a chair when sitting on it. When inhaling, draw legs to the body and take the starting position when breathing out.

An exercise for oblique belly muscles: turn the body to the sides when sitting on a chair. All the above stated exercises will do for training oblique belly muscles if made with turns. It is important that exercises with turns are prohibited for people suffering from spine problems.

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