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Clever women hit by breast cancer hardest

Clever women hit by breast cancer hardest

Reported November 02, 2009

WELL-educated women and women who live alone are emotionally the hardest hit by breast cancer, according to medical researchers.

While these women are likely to be the most informed about the cancer and its treatment they are also likely to suffer greater anxiety, difficulty coping and a sense of loss of control over their health and wellbeing, they say.

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in this country with an average of 1,726 new cases each year and 644 deaths.

Researchers involved in this latest study have warned that providing accurate information to cancer patients must not be done at the expense of supporting their emotional needs.



“The experience of having breast cancer is a personal one and is often accompanied by very complex emotions due to the fact that it strikes at a woman’s very sense of self, purpose and sexuality,” says Professor of Women’s Health Dr Susan Davis, who was involved in the study at Monash University in Australia.

“Up until now, there has been uncertainty about exactly what the impact of being diagnosed with breast cancer is in terms of mood and wellbeing over time.”

“We would encourage health care providers to be sensitive to the fact that more highly educated women may deal less well with psychological aspects of their disease than others,” she added.

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