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Natálie Taschlerová: Czech Ice Dancer National Champion Success Mantra “Patience, Passion, and Love for hard work”

Natálie Taschlerová is a Czech ice dancer. With her brother and skating partner, Filip Taschler, she is the 2020 Nebelhorn Trophy champion and two-time Czech national champion (2022–2023). They represented the Czech Republic at the 2022 Winter Olympics.

On the junior level, she is the 2019 JGP USA bronze medalist and has competed in the final segment at three World Junior Championships, their highest placement being fourteenth in 2019. Nationally, she is a three-time Czech national junior champion.

Taschlerová began learning to skate in 2004 and subsequently began learning ice dance alongside her brother Filip following the end of his partnership with Karolína Karlíková. Years later, Taschler would say that “our relationship is better since we started skating together. When we were younger, we fought like small kids, but now we are adults. We respect each other.”

Taschlerová/Taschler made their international junior debut in the 2017–18 season, including two appearances on the ISU Junior Grand Prix, placing twelfth in Poland and thirteenth in Austria. After winning what would be the first of three Czech junior national titles, they made their first appearance at the World Junior Championships, where they finished eighteenth.

Competing their second season on the Junior Grand Prix, Taschlerová/Taschler were thirteenth at JGP Lithuania and eleventh at their home JGP Czech Republic. They then won their first international junior medals competing at minor events, a bronze at the Open d’Andorra and a silver at the junior category at the Inge Solar Memorial. Junior national champions for the second time, they finished the season placing fourteenth at the 2019 World Junior Championships.

Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Natálie Taschlerová an exceptionally talented Czech ice dancer and two-time Czech national champion here she talks about her fitness routine, her diet, and her success story.

Namita Nayyar:

You were born in Brno, Czech Republic. You started skating at the age of three years and subsequently, you began learning ice dance alongside your brother Filip Taschler. In 2017–18 season you won first of three Czech junior national titles. This later propelled your career to the height where you have been at the top of the world of ice dancing. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance?

Natálie Taschlerová:

I started with figure skating at the age of two, initially just to learn how to skate. Out of all the sports I’ve tried, I fell in love with figure skating the most. Alongside this, I was also engaged in sports gymnastics. However, a time came when I had to make a choice between the two. I had talent in both disciplines, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain my commitment to each. Consequently, at the age of 11, I chose to continue with figure skating and stepped away from gymnastics.

My transition to ice dancing was prompted by a previous injury; I severely broke both bones in my right forearm for the second time, which resulted in a lengthy and difficult recovery. When I returned to the ice, the fear of jumping was overwhelming. I found myself contemplating whether to leave figure skating altogether to lead a more conventional life focused on school. The alternative was to switch disciplines, and I always had strong skating skills and an intuitive feel for music on the ice. It was then that my brother, Filip, suggested we try skating together. Now, here we are in a different country, chasing our dreams. Sometimes, it all feels quite surreal.

Our first junior medals gave us a glimpse of a promising future in the sport. These achievements fueled our ambition to reach higher levels. During the 2018-2019 season, we were still skating and living in our hometown, Brno, training under our former coach Nikola Višnová. Our coach had trained and lived in Milan during her professional career. Although home was comforting, we knew that to improve, we needed to step outside our country. We explored staying home as long as possible, trying to find suitable training conditions. However, this proved very challenging.

The first major change was our schooling. With training starting at 11 a.m. and ending around 5-6 p.m., attending school daily became nearly impossible. Some teachers were unsupportive of our journey, causing more problems. As a result, we switched to online homeschooling, which was a tremendous help. We both graduated high school and found we actually enjoyed studying. The best part just needed a computer and Wi-Fi to connect to our classes’ haha!

That season, we began collaborating with Matteo Zanni, travelling to Milan for weeks at a time to prepare for significant competitions like the 2018 Nationals and the 2019 Junior Worlds in Zagreb. After the season, Matteo invited us to move to the USA with him, offering us a chance to start a new life there. It was a pivotal opportunity, and we knew if we wanted to excel, we had to seize it. Our former coach, who was pregnant for the second time and planning to retire from coaching, supported this move. Leaving our family was tough, especially since our father was ill, but he encouraged us to pursue our dreams.

In the summer of 2019, we relocated to Chicago. It was a huge change – new country, different language – everything was unfamiliar, but it was exciting. We even spent the first week sleeping on the floor without beds, which is now one of my fondest memories. Exploring the USA, experiencing new culture, and meeting athletes and coaches were incredible. Besides training with Matteo Zanni, we worked with Collin Brubacker and Oleg Ebstain. Everything seemed perfect. It was the summer of my dreams. Until our lives were turned upside down.

In July 2019, our father passed away from cancer. It was devastating and brought everything to a halt. We returned to the Czech Republic, uncertain about our next steps – whether to continue skating or stay home to support our mom. The financial aspect was a significant concern since figure skating is very expensive. However, we tried to keep going. Skating became one of the things that saved us. While we didn’t have much time to process our grief, we continued, knowing this was what our dad wanted – for us to always fight and follow our dreams. Figure skating is a long journey where patience, passion, and a love for hard work are very important.

Full Interview is Continued on Next Page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

Namita Nayyar:

You won your first international junior medals competing at minor events, a bronze at the Open d’Andorra and silver at the junior category at the Inge Solar Memorial in 2018. Tell us more about this spectacular achievement of yours?

Natálie Taschlerová:

As I mentioned earlier, winning those medals was a significant achievement that reassured us we were on the right path and should continue working hard towards our dreams. I still vividly remember how happy and grateful I felt for those medals in the junior category.

Namita Nayyar:

You teamed up with your brother Filip Taschler and since then it has been no holding back. You both won a bronze medal in the free dance event at the 2019 JGP United States in Lake Placid, New York. Tell us more about your Ice dance arenas, perfect chemistry between the two of you and synchronizing in perfect harmony when performing in a competition.

Natálie Taschlerová:

Winning the bronze medal in Lake Placid was truly a blessing for us. It came less than a month after our dad passed away, and we were unsure if we would even participate in the competition. Preparing for it was incredibly challenging, especially mentally. Smiling every day and sometimes pretending that nothing had happened was tough. Thanks to the unwavering support from our coaches and everyone around us during those difficult times, we managed to pull through. We got ready and attacked. We prepared, went in determined, and gave it our all. It was a true teamwork. We poured everything into this competition and fought until the very end. There were many tears of pride and gratitude. It was also my brother’s birthday on the day of the competition, making it an even more emotional experience for us.

I believe the key to synchronising in perfect harmony lies in hard work, respect, and communication—basically, repeating things over and over again. Many people assume it’s easier because we’re siblings, but that’s not the case. It’s about relentless hard work and constant repetition. We need to be patient with each other, respect one another, and enjoy the process, even when it’s nerve-racking. We do have a special chemistry between us, but I think every couple has their unique element that sets them apart.
We have a great sense of rhythm and a passion for dancing. We used to be part of a dance group and competed in many dance competitions. We love moving our bodies, searching for deeper meanings, and discovering new ideas. Sharing our emotions, expressing ourselves and what we have to say on the ice is something we’re passionate about. We love to boost people up with our energy and have fun all together.

Namita Nayyar:

How your coach Nikola Višňová and Matteo Zanni have played as a catalyst to your meteoric rise as an ice dancer in the world arena.

Natálie Taschlerová:

I would say it’s all about hard work and consistency. Planning the preparation properly, focusing on our weaknesses, and just putting in the effort again and again, haha.

Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?

Natálie Taschlerová:

Of course, we follow a specific gym plan that includes strength training, cardio, ballet, flexibility, and injury prevention. Personally, I love dance cardio—it’s such an energy booster for me. I sweat, I dance, I even laugh, and most importantly, I enjoy the hard work. I love everything I can do with music. In the future, I’d love to add boxing to my fitness routine, to try something new and explore different types of sports. Not real fighting in a cage, of course, but just for cardio, to learn something new, and definitely for fun.

Namita Nayyar:

How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.

Natálie Taschlerová:

My favorite workouts for abs are Pilates. I fell in love with Pilates thanks to my ballet teacher. I love the combination of movements with deep breathing, and lately, I’ve seen the best results with Pilates. I definitely want to explore it more.

Namita Nayyar:

Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Natálie Taschlerová:

I definitely follow some nutrition plans, paying attention to specific foods, but I’d describe it more as my lifestyle. I love cooking and exploring new recipes.

Namita Nayyar:

Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.

Natálie Taschlerová:

Food that I love:

What I keep to a minimum:

Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.

Natálie Taschlerová:

When I was younger, my skin was a disaster due to severe acne. Like many others, I searched for specific products to help. Over time, I realized that makeup isn’t always the best option. The most important part of my daily skincare routine is avoiding makeup during practices. I dislike sweating with makeup on as it clogs my pores, and from experience, my skin always got worse.

In the morning, I cleanse my face with cold water, which also helps wake me up. I love using lavender water for redness and often apply it throughout the day to keep my skin clean. I follow this with a hydrating serum and a nourishing cream under my eyes, as my skin tends to be a bit dry there and it also helps mask dark circles when I’m tired.

My hair routine is a bit different. I usually wash my hair twice a week, on Sunday and then on Friday. Occasionally, I wash it midweek if needed. Throughout the week, I use a lot of hairspray to keep my hairstyle neat during practice, as I don’t like my hair flying around. Since my hair is coloured, my main goal is to treat it well. I use purple shampoo to maintain a nice icy blonde shade, followed by regular shampoo and conditioner. Since I experiment with my hair, I always ensure it gets enough nourishment. I use specific hair masks and apply oil to the ends to keep them nourished. Finally, I use heat protection before blow-drying my hair.

Namita Nayyar:

Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.

Natálie Taschlerová:

  • Nike
  • Lululemon
  • Under armor
  • Adidas
  • Chique sport skating brand

Namita Nayyar:

Five travel destinations on your wish list.

Natálie Taschlerová:

I would love to go to Japan again and explore the country more. Then Maldives, London, Las Vegas and my last destination on my wish list is Dubai.

Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and the message for its visitors?

Natálie Taschlerová:

I love websites where women support other women. The content is fascinating to me, especially reading about other successful athletes. It’s very inspiring. This site definitely gives a better insight into our lives, showing that not everything is as perfect as it appears on social media.

Namita Nayyar:

Quote you live by.

Natálie Taschlerová:

If you have yourself, you have everything you need.

Namita Nayyar:

Tell us about a day in the life of ‘Natálie Taschlerová’.

Natálie Taschlerová:

My day usually starts quite early, often waking up around 5-5:30 a.m. I love having a slow morning, so I prefer to wake up about an hour and a half before I need to leave the house. My morning routine is simple but special. I think morning routines are my favorite. It includes skincare, breakfast, vitamins, and a bit of self-journaling about what I want to achieve each day and how to make it a great day. Of course, I always spend a little time on social media before heading out.

My practice sessions start differently each day. Sometimes I begin with skating skills on the ice, other times with ballet or Pilates. My training schedule typically starts around 7 a.m. and finishes around 3-4 p.m. As I mentioned, my schedule varies daily. Currently, since it’s the off-season, we spend more time on the ice, working on new elements, lifts, and choreography. We also have more dance classes and focus on areas that need improvement. I usually spend 3-4 hours skating on the ice and an additional 2 hours training off the ice. I generally spend half of the day at the ice rink.

When my practice is over, I love going home, changing into comfortable clothes, and relaxing a bit. I usually clean, plan for the upcoming day, and do some work on the computer. My goal for the second half of the day is to spend more time outside. Since I spend the first half mostly on the ice or in the gym, I need some fresh air and vitamin D, if there’s sun. Sometimes I go for a walk, with my final destination being my favorite coffee place where I meet up with my girls. We enjoy chatting, creating content, talking about fashion, makeup, and, of course, discussing how our day went. People often ask what we talk about since we spend all day together, but the reality is that there isn’t much time to chat during the training day, so we catch up later.

I usually come home around 5-5:30 p.m., which is when I start preparing for the next day. My evening routine begins with dinner, which I try to have consistently around 6:30 p.m. Afterwards, I take a shower, follow my skincare routine, do some stretching, and choose my clothes for the next day. A big hoodie is always a must-have during the day. Sometimes, just for fun, the girls and I try to match the colors of our hoodies. Next, I make some herbal tea and head to bed, where I either read a book or watch a movie on Netflix to relax. I try to put my phone away at least an hour before sleeping. I usually go to bed around 9-9:30 p.m. to ensure I get my 8 hours of sleep.

And that’s it. That’s a day with me.

Namita Nayyar:

In sports like Ice dancing how you were able to overcome any physical or sports injury setbacks and what advice you can give to those in a similar situation?

Natálie Taschlerová:

It is very important to always listen to your body. Your body tells you when you’ve crossed your limits. That is the incredible thing about it. I have to say that I’m very grateful for not having had any serious injuries in the past three years, unlike my brother. My advice is to always communicate with your coaches about how you’re feeling, if you’re in any pain, how you slept, etc. It’s crucial to share everything before anything more serious can happen.

As I get older, the risk of injury naturally increases. My key to staying healthy is proper recovery. It’s very important to give your body some time off. I love going to the sauna or getting a massage. Time off can also mean just hanging out with my friends and enjoying good coffee. This has many benefits for mental health as well. I focus on both physical and mental well-being because if you’re not emotionally and mentally stable, your body doesn’t rest well. I try to maintain a balance, making my downtime both exciting and truly restful, to ensure proper regeneration and give my body the rest it needs.

But if I do get injured, it’s very important to seek medical help immediately. Sometimes, as athletes, we think we can handle many things, overcome a lot of pain, and push through, but it’s always better to get it checked and ensure everything is okay. If a serious injury occurs and you need to stop training for a while, the key is to be gentle with yourself and focus on healing. It’s very helpful to have a mental coach to talk through your struggles, discuss how to keep your motivation up, and not give up just because you’re injured. It’s tough, but definitely worth it when you return.

To prevent injury, we have specific off-ice training with our physiotherapist. I focus on strengthening the weaker parts of my body, aiming to build more muscle to keep everything in the right place since I have significant hypermobility. It’s easy for me to make a wrong move and injure myself. So, we work on teaching my body not to overextend in ways that could harm my ligaments and muscles later on.

Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding Ice dancer girls, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of ice dancing?

Natálie Taschlerová:

It might sound like a cliché, but never give up on your dreams. It’s very important to follow your heart. Whatever you feel is never wrong. The path to reaching the highest point is long, but it’s definitely worth trying. You need to have patience. Remember that even a failure is a step forward, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time. Every mistake teaches you something for the future. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s okay to make mistakes. We are humans, and we learn something new every day.

Being a professional athlete is not easy. Many people see it as a way to escape school and some adult responsibilities, but it’s not always fun. We work hard, sweat, push our limits, and endure daily pain. We sacrifice many things, hoping that one day it will all be worth it. In my career, I’ve learned that it’s very important to trust yourself. Love yourself. Believe in yourself, because in the end, no one else will do it for you. It always has to be you. Don’t let people change you. There will always be someone who doesn’t like you and judges you. So don’t listen to others; always follow your heart.

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This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

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