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Mira Hassan : Guide to a Stronger You

Since 2006, Mira has studied and trained around the globe with the world’s leading Pilates minds and teachers. She grew up as a dancer holds a Bachelor of Arts in dance, and has multiple Pilates certifications, the most important completing the prestigious BASI Pilates Legacy program. As a teacher, she has helped hundreds of students at all fitness levels find happiness and their absolute best through her Pilates teaching.

She says “Pilates is for everyone, and I have seen how Pilates change life for the better. Your practice is not a hunt for perfection; it’s about committing to yourself and staying open to where your flow takes you. A small daily practice can build balance, strength, flexibility, and find freedom within your body.”

Get ready to look inside what makes Mira Hassan and her Yoga journey truly remarkable.

Namita Nayyar:

Mira, your Instagram handle @flow.with.mira is a testament to your dedication to Pilates. Can you share with us how you discovered Pilates and what motivated you to become an instructor?

Mira Hassan:

Pilates: A Journey from Confusion to Commitment

The word “Pilates” initially made me chuckle – a typo for “py-lates” perhaps? Little did I know, this unfamiliar term would mark the beginning of a transformative journey? At 19, while pursuing my undergraduate degree in dance at the Victoria College of Arts in Melbourne, Australia, Pilates became a mandatory conditioning class for all dance students. It was a weekly mat class, and while our pirouettes, Rond-de-Jambe, and swans were graceful, the “hundred” and “teasers” left us feeling thoroughly humbled.

This initial encounter with Pilates was a revelation. It exposed limitations in my strength and control, despite my dance training. It sparked a desire to delve deeper into this practice. My exploration continued beyond the dance studio walls. I enrolled in equipment classes at Infinity Studio by Kerrie Murphy in Melbourne and participated in group reformer classes at a local gym near my home.

From Dancer to Pilates Instructor: A Journey of Passion

Pilates played a pivotal role in refining my dance technique during my undergraduate years. It wasn’t just the physical benefits that captivated me; it was the emphasis on mindful movement and body awareness. After graduation, this passion for movement propelled me to delve deeper into the Pilates method. I craved a deeper understanding of how to harness the power of proper body mechanics and connection. Initially, the thought of teaching wasn’t on my radar – I wanted to expand my knowledge.

Following my first Pilates certification, however, the opportunity to teach arose. Witnessing the positive transformations in my clients, from improved flexibility to a newfound sense of control, ignited a newfound passion within me. As demand for my classes grew, I gradually increased my teaching hours.

Namita Nayyar:

How has your Pilates practice evolved over the years, and what key milestones or achievements stand out to you?

Mira Hassan:

Beyond the Moves: A Commitment to Empowering Wellness

Continuous learning is at the core of my approach to Pilates instruction. I don’t want to just ‘teach/instruct’ exercises; I strive to be a teacher, one who empowers clients to achieve their wellness goals. This responsibility weighs heavily on me. My clients entrust me with their fitness journeys, any physical limitations they may have, and ultimately, their overall well-being.

To best serve them, I believe a deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology is crucial. It’s not enough to simply guide clients through the motions. I want to empower them to understand their bodies, ensure proper form to avoid injury, and ultimately, experience the transformative power of Pilates. This dedication to knowledge extends beyond Pilates itself, encompassing a holistic approach to self-improvement.

A Dedication to Continual Growth: My Pilates Certifications

My Pilates journey began with my first certification in 2005. Since then, I have 3 comprehensive Pilates certifications. One of them is BASI Pilates. I have also completed the BASI Pilates Legacy Program, the highest honor bestowed by BASI, under the esteemed guidance of RaelIsacowitz (Mentor, Master I & II and Honors). I’m incredibly excited to be retaking the Honors Program with Rael himself later this September in the US!

My dedication to learning extends beyond foundational certifications. Over the years, I’ve pursued specialized education in various areas to better serve my clients. These include:

These ongoing educational pursuits allow me to offer a comprehensive and informed approach to Pilates instruction. I am also a member of the faculty of BASI Pilates.

Full Interview is Continued on Next Page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

Namita Nayyar:

Like any fitness journey, practicing and teaching Pilates comes with its own set of challenges. Can you tell us about some of the obstacles you’ve faced and how you overcame them?

Mira Hassan:

Finding Time for Your Mat: Why Self-Practice Matters for Pilates Teachers

Many instructors, me included, face the challenge of fitting in self-practice amidst demanding schedules. I used to have an all-or-nothing mentality, believing that every Pilates session needed to be a hardcore, hour-long workout to be truly beneficial. This mindset led to skipped sessions and a constant feeling of exhaustion. The pressure to have a “perfect” practice ended up hindering me from practicing at all.

As I matured as a teacher, I realized a crucial truth: consistent, shorter practice sessions are far more effective than infrequent, intense workouts. I shifted my focus to a minimum of 20-30 minutes of daily practice, with the flexibility to extend it when time and energy allowed. This simple change had a profound impact. Not only did it cultivate greater body awareness and mindfulness, but it also led me to practice more frequently than ever before.

The benefits have been undeniable. I feel stronger, more present, and most importantly, injury-free despite the long teaching hours. This deeper connection to my own body translates into a more effective and impactful teacher. Clients can sense the genuine passion and understanding that comes from regular self-practice.

Beyond the Fancy Moves: The Importance of Mastering the Basics in Pilates Teaching

Every young Pilates instructor embarks on their journey with a spark – a desire to share the knowledge and excitement gleaned from their training. The initial urge might be to showcase advanced exercises, pushing clients to progress quickly without a deep foundation in the fundamentals. This approach, while seemingly creative, can be a double-edged sword.

There’s a hidden danger in this initial enthusiasm. Without a thorough understanding of the details – the proper breath work, muscle engagement, and meticulous execution – an instructor might resort to a constant barrage of new exercises to maintain client interest. This can lead to a “movement spectacle” that strays from the core principles of Pilates.

The true beauty of Pilates lies in its depth. Each exercise offers a treasure trove of learning opportunities. Instead of chasing novelty, a deeper exploration of the fundamentals unlocks a universe of possibilities. By breaking down movements into their microscopic components, and dissecting breath and muscle involvement, the instructor becomes a guide on a journey of profound discovery for both themselves and their clients.

This shift in focus requires patience, humility, and a continued thirst for knowledge. Instead of running out of exercise, you will find yourself running out of time! Clients, witnessing their progress and the meticulous attention to detail, become not just satisfied, but empowered and eager to return.

Namita Nayyar:

Your approach to Pilates seems to resonate with many. How would you describe your teaching philosophy, and what sets your classes apart from others?

Mira Hassan:

Keep Moving – achievable short classes to long classes.

Our bodies crave movement! But in today’s busy world, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. Even just 15 minutes of daily movement can have a big impact. Think of it like a magic lotion for your body, keeping everything running smoothly.

Something is always better than nothing. Just 10-15 minutes every day is better than an hour once a week. Whether it’s a quick Pilates session in the morning or a few stretches before bed, each little bit adds up. Moving can be anything that gets your body feeling good and active. The more regularly you practice, the more your body craves movement. This leads to creating consistent habits and self-discipline to move.

Most people think you need a long, hard, and sweaty workout. This may suit some but not for the general population. Long and high-intensity workouts might make you feel like you’re pushing hard, but they also increase your chance of getting hurt or feeling sore the next day.

My Pilates sessions are different. You can avoid those aches and pains. Instead of feeling worn out, you’ll finish each session feeling refreshed and energized. It’s all about precision, accuracy, and control.
The Pilates Way: Precision, Control, and Healing

My classes are more than just a workout. Pilates offers a unique path to well-being. It’s not just about pushing you to exhaustion; it’s about uniting your mind, body, and breath through mindful movements that heal and strengthen. Unlike high-impact workouts, Pilates emphasizes precision, control, and proper form. My classes guide you to be present in each movement, ensuring perfect alignment for maximum benefit. This approach helps you rediscover your body’s natural rhythms, creating a sense of movement that feels intuitive and empowering.

My teaching style blends the scientific foundation of Pilates with my experience as a dancer, fostering a deep connection with your body. Each exercise is designed to be low-impact, minimizing stress on your joints while maximizing effectiveness. This gentle yet powerful approach reduces injury risk and promotes overall well-being, leaving you feeling physically and mentally refreshed.

The journey doesn’t stop at physical benefits. Pilates encourages a deeper connection with your inner self. By focusing on your breath as it flows through your body, you’ll find a sense of calm and presence in the moment. This mindful practice not only enhances your physical flexibility and strength but also quiets your mind, allowing you to be truly present.

The Full Body System – A Symphony of Strength for Your Entire Body.

Pilates isn’t just about isolated exercises; it’s a holistic system designed to keep your entire body functioning optimally. Each of my sessions is meticulously crafted using the BASI Pilates® Block System, ensuring no muscle is left behind. Imagine a symphony, each movement and pose playing a specific role in a harmonious whole-body workout.

This comprehensive approach matters because daily life can lead to imbalances. Long hours sitting, computer strain, or even a slight limp can have a cumulative effect. Pilates acts as a counterpoint, retraining your body to move with the natural fluidity and strength it was designed for.

Think of your body as a finely tuned machine. Pain in one area can often be caused by compensation in another. My Pilates classes emphasize balance. Every class is designed to work the entire system, not just isolated parts. This holistic approach addresses imbalances and promotes optimal well-being.

Namita Nayyar:

You have built a vibrant community around your practice. How do you engage with your followers on Instagram, and what role do social media play in your career as a Pilate’s instructor?

Mira Hassan:

I am proud to have built a positive and thriving community on social media platforms and it’s become a cornerstone of connecting with potential and current clients of my studio and online members. To be honest, I am not a pure social media savvy. I do not naturally gravitate to documenting my daily life activity in the social media world. I am a move-first person, not opinionated person. I firstly use social media platforms to connect with other top-level Pilates people as being in Indonesia, is rather ‘isolated’ from the general Pilates crowd.

Here’s my approach:

Building a Strong Brand Identity:

My social media presence, particularly on Instagram, allows me to showcase my unique teaching style and philosophy. By sharing snippets of my online classes, highlighting my certifications, and showcasing my physical studio (Aalaya Pilates) in Jakarta, I create a strong brand identity that resonates with potential clients for my online memberships and studio clients.. They get a sense of who I am as a teacher and what kind of experience they can expect in my classes and as a BASI Pilates faculty member during the teacher training program.

Engagement and Growth:

My social media strategy prioritizes two-way communication. I actively respond to comments and messages, and try to host interactive Q&A sessions. This fosters a sense of connection and helps me tailor my offerings to better serve my audience’s needs.

Marketing and Lead Generation:

Social media is a powerful marketing tool. It allows me to showcase my classes, workshops, BASI teacher training, directly to potential clients/students who might not have otherwise found my studio. By offering valuable content and creating a sense of community, I can nurture leads and convert them into students.

Overall, social media allows me to build a strong brand, connect with my audience, and ultimately, share my passion for Pilates with a wider community.

Namita Nayyar:

What are your future aspirations for Flow with Mira? Are there any exciting projects or goals you are working towards that you’d like to share with us?

Mira Hassan:

Making Pilates Accessible: A Dream in Motion.

I’m passionate about making Pilates accessible to everyone. Traditional offline classes can be expensive and limited in some locations. That’s why I’m excited to offer high-quality Pilates at home, anytime, at any level, and for affordable prices.

My future aspirations for Flow with Mira reach far beyond just an online Pilates platform. While making high-quality Pilates accessible and convenient through online classes remains a core focus, here’s a glimpse into what the future holds for Flow with Mira:
Get Ready to Flow! Flow With Mira Platform Gets a User-Friendly Makeover

We’re thrilled to announce a major upgrade to the Flow With Mira online platform! We’ve been working hard to create a more user-friendly experience that will help you take your Pilates practice to the next level.

The all-new Flow With Mira platform is more than just a user interface upgrade – it’s a commitment to making your Pilates journey smoother, more engaging, and more rewarding. Stay tuned for the launch date and get ready to experience the Flow!

Breaking down Barriers: Reaching a Global Audience

One major aspiration is to truly democratize Pilates. We plan to translate Flow with Mira content into multiple languages, making it accessible to a broader global audience. This ensures that people worldwide, regardless of location or language barriers, can benefit from the transformative power of Pilates.

Beyond the Screen: Building a Supportive Community

Flow with Mira isn’t just about individual workouts; it’s about fostering a supportive community. We’re exploring ways to create interactive features that encourage connection and motivation. We currently run monthly live classes and Q&A sessions.

Additionally, we would like to create a closed group where the community can ask questions and share their progress to inspire others.

Expanding the Offering: Specialized Programs and Collaborations

We’re committed to catering to diverse needs and goals. I have created a specialized pre-natal pilates program – shot whilst I was pregnant with my son – Theodore. Stay tuned!

Experience Bali like a Local: Flow with Mira Retreat 2025

Mark your calendars! The first-ever Flow with Mira retreat is coming to BALI in 2025! We’re crafting an unforgettable experience for the FWM community. As an Indonesian native, I’m thrilled to share the magic of Bali through a local lens. Get ready for stunning scenery, immersive cultural experiences, and of course, incredible Pilates sessions! The upcoming Bali retreat in 2025 is just the beginning. We envision a series of Flow with Mira retreats in stunning locations around the world, offering participants the chance to deepen their practice in a truly immersive environment.

BASI Pilates Education Hub in Jakarta

My vision extends beyond retreats. I’m building a second unique studio in Jakarta – a dedicated education hub for BASI Pilates in Indonesia. BASI PILATES INDONESIA HQ will become a center of excellence, providing top-notch training and fostering the next generation of Pilates instructors.

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

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