Melina Weber, known as Wei Meilin (Chinese: 韦玫霖), is a popular multilingual video creator from Germany and an internet celebrity. She raises awareness for bridging cultural diversity and intercultural understanding between West and East Asia, focusing on the Sino-German cultural exchange. She is an active fitness blogger and fitness model.
Weber grew up in Konstanz, where she attended first the secondary school Geschwister-Scholl Realschule and later the Humboldt Gymnasium. When she was 17 years old, she moved to Malaysia for a one-year stint to attend a local high school and live with an Indian host family and later a Chinese family. She sees herself as a cultural ambassador who has set out to improve intercultural understanding.
She started practicing yoga more than 10 years ago as a teenager and as of today, it is an inseparable part of her lifestyle.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Melina Weber, fitness blogger as a part of International Yoga Day
Namita Nayyar:
Your education covers International Business Management studies, where you were taught in German, French, and English. Shortly after that, you enrolled in a Mandarin-taught performing arts course at the Beijing Film Academy. What attracted you to this world?
While I was taking a Mandarin course at university, I occasionally modeled for video commercials and found out that I had a keen interest in acting and film creation. However, what finally made me decide to enroll in a performing arts course at the Beijing Film Academy was that I wanted to improve my Chinese language skills. The best environment to learn a language is to be surrounded by native speakers. And that is exactly what I got! Everything was taught in Mandarin Chinese
, and my classmates and teachers communicated primarily in Chinese. It was really tough, but I truly enjoyed the challenge. One day, I met a film producer who told me that one of the best things that I could do for my career in China was to start producing short videos for social media.So I started making videos, first only in Mandarin, about culture and daily life, and later I decided to also launch a yoga and fitness YouTube channel.
This was actually not my first time in Asia. When I was a teenager, I bluntly decided to go as an exchange student to Malaysia to live with an Indian host family and study at a local high school. That is why I also see myself as a German-East Asian cultural ambassador, who does not post superficial holiday photos on the beach but digs deeper into the culture, learns the language, and shows its true beauty.
Namita Nayyar:
You are a fitness blogger and fitness model? Elaborate on your role in both?
Melina Weber:
I especially want to be a good role model. My friends often call me a nerd, because I am hungry for knowledge. As a fitness blogger, I want to provide my audience with high-quality content, and that is why I have done several teacher certificates in fitness in Germany and yoga in India.
Often, social media is more about appearance than substance. As a fitness model, I like to post beautiful photos but also realistic ones. For example, I have no intention of posting a manipulated photo in a bikini during sunset on the beach. That is just not my style! One day, every flower will lose its beauty. The most attractive people are those who can tell an interesting story, who looks healthy, who have a positive outlook on life, and who try to improve their skills every day just a tiny bit.
I also want to inspire people to spend more time in nature with their beloved ones. Outdoor activities or sports such as hiking, rollerblading or gardening make me enjoy life to its fullest extent. It is one of the best ways to relax the body and mind. So I recommend everybody to spend Sundays outside the house or in commercial areas.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
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