Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You’ve surfed in some of the coldest regions of the world like Greenland, Norway and Iceland. What is the experience like surfing in such cold regions?
Ms. Léa Brassy:
I crew onboard a sailboat to Greenland but I did not get the chance to surf there.
Surfing cold water is unique as it means being in an environment you’re not supposed to be in. Everything is a more intense experience than usual surfing. Landscapes are bigger, whiter; your eyes have a hard time to believe the surroundings are real. And then sensations are also stronger.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Like any other sport, surfing requires you to be fit and healthy. What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine?
Ms. Léa Brassy:
I practice yoga and stretching on a daily bases. I focus on core strength, as it is really important in surfing, to counter-balance the paddling effort that is not very ergonomic for the back but also to feel stable and strong on my feet. But most of my workout is out in the ocean.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Share with us your diet or food plan that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit.
Ms. Léa Brassy:
My diet is more of a common sense, general line, that is to eat non-processed, locally produced and seasonal food. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, it’s my base, and I make sure I have quality carbs and vegetable proteins from cereals and beans. I eat less and less dairy, as I feel better without it. And for meat and fish, I want to know they are from wild catch or from sustainable non-intensive farming. I am happy with vegetarian meal if I don’t have quality animal proteins. My favorite is to hunt for my own fish. It’s the most sustainable way to get fish, but it’s also a great journey to find peace within me and be connected to Nature. It makes sense from start to finish.
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