Namita Nayyar:
5 exercises that comprise your fitness regime that you may like to share? Training routine while competing? 2 stress-busting tips.
Khamica Bingham:
1) Glute activating/strengthening exercises (using bands)
2) Jumps: Box jumps, double and single leg hops, weighted squat jumps.
3) Abs: plank circuits, med-ball core circuits
4) Weights: cleans, squats, deadlifts etc.
5) General Strength: full body exercises (upper body, core, lower body)
#1 Tip: Working out really helps with stress. It releases endorphins which makes you feel better and it’s good for your body.
#2 Tip: Even top elite athletes have goals with losing or gaining weight. Be patient with yourself and your body. Stay consistent, be kind to yourself and celebrate all the little wins. Even if it’s something like, ” I did 5 pushups without stopping this time”. That is something to celebrate.
Namita Nayyar:
Share your diet that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Khamica Bingham:
My go-to breakfast before practice is one 12-grain toast with peanut butter with banana slices and chia seeds on top. After practice, I usually have 2-eggs, a whole grain toast with a smoothie. I also recommend an air-fryer which is great for cooking foods faster without the oil. For snacks, I like Skinny Pop popcorn, dark chocolate almonds, greek yogurt or fruit. For dinner, I like to make salmon, sweet potato fries and green beans for dinner – made in my air fryer. And I also have a juicer to juice my vegetables and fruits which is 100% natural to make sure I get enough of my antioxidants. An example would be orange, ginger, kale, spinach and cucumber. I also drink a herb or peppermint tea at night.
Namita Nayyar:
Training for sports requires dedication and hard work. How do you take care of your skin and hair?
Khamica Bingham:
I personally make a routine and make sure to set time throughout my busy schedule with my skin and hair so I can maintain both; because I am very particular about clear and glowing skin and healthy hair. My daily skin routine, I make sure to cleanse, tone with rose water, vitamin C brightening serum then moisturize with an oil-free lotion with a some SPF in it. About once a week I will set a time to do a face mask and exfoliate. Considering my hair is natural, it requires a little more time on wash days. Every Sunday, I will do a natural hair mask, wash my hair, and deep condition and make sure I comb it in sections and add the moisturizing products. I think it helps also when you set goals for yourself, make a mini routine and do you best to stick to it. Consistency over a long period of time is where the real magic happens!
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