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Katie Laura Burnett: English Fitness Competitor and Model talks about her fitness routine, diet, and success story

Photo Credits: Credits Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

Katie Laura Burnett is a 35 year old fitness competitor and model from England. She also works as Sports Massage Therapist at The Devils Kneads.

She has been going to gym from the young age of 12, participating in school sports including gymnastics, trampolining and kickboxing. Now she trains weights, Cardio twice a week apart from preparation for fitness competition. She has been model for 12 years, an Ex- Engineer for the MOD and a sports massage therapist (SMT). She has been published in a number of magazines over the years, last few are, gothic girl cover, fuse, skyn and FHM uk.

Katie Laura Burnett achievements:

Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Katie Laura Burnett, exceptionally talented fitness competitor and model to talk about her fitness routine, diet, and success story.

Namita Nayyar:

Where were you born and had your early education? Later you decided to pursue fitness modelling and competitive bodybuilding. This later propelled your career to the height where you are a leading PCA (Physical Culture Association) Bikini Bodybuilding Competition winner. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance.

Katie Laura Burnett:

I was born South UK Portsmouth and have continued to live in Hampshire ever since. I was very lucky to be brought up in the countryside; my childhood was mainly spent in fields and woods around nature/ animals. My interest in fitness and modeling was present throughout; I wasn’t brought up to be lazy. I went to school and college, then qualified as an engineer and worked for the MOD for 5 years building boats, then I moved on to Sports Massage Therapy/ own my own business. Unfortunately, I don’t have any secrets to share about hard work you want something and will work for it or you won’t. I take pride in what I do; the same goes for fitness and bodybuilding.

Namita Nayyar:

In the life of a model getting featured in FHM Magazine is a lifetime dream come true. You were featured INSIDE FHM UK November 2022 edition. Tell us more about this spectacular achievement in your career and experience of working with Iconic FHM magazine.

Katie Laura Burnett:

It was a great moment to be accepted for publication in FHM. With any publication I am extremely grateful. I have had a few publications and interviews with several magazines and websites over the years and I am proud of every single one. To have a record of my improvements over the years is great and to know that I can inspire others is the best feeling.

Photo Credits: Credits Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

Namita Nayyar:

You started fitness competing in November 2023. In the category Bikini Tall, First Timers in Hull won 3rd place in the PCA (Physical Culture Association) Worlds Finals. Tell us more about this win and how it has been a catalyst in your meteoric rise in the field of competitive bodybuilding.

Katie Laura Burnett:

Competing in bodybuilding is something I have always been told to do, probably because my natural body fat is low, but this makes building muscle and strength harder, so I never thought if I did compete that I would even be competitive… After about 10 years of watching it change and grow I thought why not, let’s see what happens, I’m not afraid of losing…. So I decided 8 weeks out to see what I could do. Coming third was a shock I remember looking down subtly to check my number whilst walking to the front. I was in the first callout (first half group) so I knew I was in the top half of 14 girls so I was happy at this point. The trophy was the icing on the cake.

However, I didn’t feel competitive up there, I just enjoyed it. I’m long past the stage of needing to beat others, it was to do well for myself and see what I can do and how I can display a physique I have carried through 34 years of life at this point. For me it’s not about beating others and I doubt it ever will be. At shows you’re only placed on how people look, perform and show up on the day. You could be against pros or first timers. Every show I have done I have looked back at photos and have seen improvements each time, whether that’s posing, stage presence, individual routine, overall look, but it is noteworthy that the placing’swon’t always reflect these factors, these are personal. You have to understand the difference.

Full Interview is Continued on Next Page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

Photo Credits: Credits Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

Namita Nayyar:

You won 1st Place at Bikini Masters PCA British Finals, held at Hampshire UK on 24th June 2024. Elaborate on this spectacular achievement of yours.

Katie Laura Burnett:

This was a bigger shock than the first show as I saw the ladies backstage and they looked insane, much more muscle mass than me and my previous show. My partner said I wasn’t going to place and unfortunately given my lack of competitive attitude at these events I had already thought the same. But I’m not someone who backs out of what I set out to do. I walked through the door to the stairs to stage and took a second to have a moment with myself whilst climbing the stairs.

I reminded myself of why I was there, what I wanted from the day and what I was going to do. I knew I was going to go up there with a smile on my face, pose hard, show my personality and enjoy it and somehow I came 1st. I am so grateful to be able to compete, as some people can’t. I was kindly given some protein with my win, which I gave to a competitor backstage who hadn’t won their class and seemed quite down. Were here to bring each other up, the smallest things can sometimes make the biggest impact.

I did have a massage client competing at the same show; she won the Figure category and the overall sword, so I was super happy for her!

Namita Nayyar:

Having done so many photo shoots, tell us six killer tips for an excellent photo shoot. The secret behind that beautiful smile.

Katie Laura Burnett:

Photo Credits: Credits Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

Namita Nayyar:

Share your five favorite swimwear brands.

Katie Laura Burnett:

I have some lovely items from Honey Birdette and Versace; all of my other swimwear are probably either Shein, Primark. I love the look of Badi Swimwear maybe I may have to invest at some point in the future.

Namita Nayyar:

You are the leading social media personality, model, and bodybuilding competitor and brand ambassador. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?

Katie Laura Burnett:

I work fast!! I’m organized and I plan what I’m going to do the day before. Living with food intolerances, the bodybuilding, training and working multiple jobs will enhance your organizational skills if you have them. I wouldn’t be able to do anything in life if I didn’t over plan everything. It’s both a gift and also a curse though; I can stress myself out with over planning and predicting issues before they arise so I can be prepared. lol

Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?

Katie Laura Burnett:

I tend to work on my weaknesses at the moment, these are abs and rib flare due to minor scoliosis. Leg, glute and dealt size as I want these to improve so strength training on these. And maintaining and growing back and calf’s.

Photo Credits: Credits Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

Namita Nayyar:

How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.

Katie Laura Burnett:

I used to train my abs loads as a kid, rarely ever as an adult – and not properly until now!! So hopefully the abs will have a major improvement this year. Everyone has them however their origins/ insertions change how they appear when people diet, some peoples are even and square, others can look like pretty brickwork.

One secret I would say is the effort you put into everyday life, its not just the gym or foods its everything. Old habits die hard so make sure they’re good habits.

Namita Nayyar:

Women Fitness talks about diets and fitness regime; do you follow any special diet? What is your favorite cuisine?

Katie Laura Burnett:

Unfortunately having intolerances to wheat/ gluten and milk/ lactose I am on a diet everyday anyway. It is difficult when you add in supplements and packaged proteins, so I do have to do more cooking nowadays but that’s just the price I have to pay its a small one compared to some people’s health issues.

This is probably why I find competitive bodybuilding diets naturally work for me, as the foods in these diets are the main foods I must eat anyway. I tend to train 4/5 days a week I now have 2 days off a week to recover. Sometimes less is more, learning a good training split to avoid injuries and maintenance is so important.

Before my intolerances my favorite cheat cuisines were Indian and Chinese curry’s and cakes. But now where I physically can’t eat these foods I tend to favor chicken stir fry and omelets. You can get free from cakes but they’re not the same, but we move on.

Photo Credits: Credits Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

Namita Nayyar:

Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.

Katie Laura Burnett:

I Love: chicken, omelets, rice, potato and avocado.

I keep to minimum: cake, cola, chips, sweet chili sauce and mayonnaise.

Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.

Katie Laura Burnett:

For hair care I tend to use oils after washing on lengths as these are extensions I do myself so I look after them, once a week I massage oil into roots. I’m really impressed with how shiny they were at the 2BROS show must be the stage lighting. I’m trying to be my hair less so it can grow more but it’s a struggle/ girls will know. Skin care I tend to keep as natural as possible as my skin can flare with hormones so I try to keep foundations to a minimum during the day and water intake up.

Photo Credits: Credits Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

Namita Nayyar:

Social media is saturated right now, how do you feel about it? Tips on budding influencers who wish to make their move?

Katie Laura Burnett:

I don’t really worry about influencing on social media, it’s in real life where influencing is needed. I tend to just post what I feel like at the time. If I can improve someone’s life or outlook that’s great. I think to follow your own dreams and goals are so important. Don’t just do something because someone you follow does it. Variety is the spice of life, so cliché but so true. That’s the only way to be happy. Be authentic.

Namita Nayyar:

Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.

Katie Laura Burnett:

I have bombshell bunny corsets, I live in a lot of Gasp, Darc Sport and Bombshell gym wear this is because the quality of the fabrics are thick and strong but don’t interfere with training or make me too hot. I also have some Firm Abs sets and Otomix trainers. But I do tend to wear the same sets for years. I’ll wear my trainers until they have holes in them, the longer you wear them the better fitted they are.

Namita Nayyar:

Five travel destinations on your wish list.

Katie Laura Burnett:

Italy, Greece, Scandinavia, Peru and Hawaii etc. There are many places I haven’t been that I wish to go.

Namita Nayyar:

You have done bold photo-shoots for a number of fashion brands and on your Instagram handle @katie_laura_burnett. How are you so confident and give advice to your compatriots?

Katie Laura Burnett:

I just do what I do. I don’t post anything to particularly please or impress others. My IG page is just photos throughout my life and work, a lot of it is gym and shoots. If people like what I do I like that, it’s pretty cool. I’m very grateful for the opportunities I have had but I equally work very hard.

Photo Credits: Credits Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

Namita Nayyar:

Your idea of a perfect date?

Katie Laura Burnett:

Good company, tasty food and a great film. Maybe a walk in nice weather and a chilled drink somewhere pretty, relaxed happy times.

My partner Lewis is the best support, for my shows and training. He listens to my silly questions where I go into overdrive and over analyzing things. He reminds me to switch off sometimes.

Namita Nayyar:

Quote you live by.

Katie Laura Burnett:

Life is short. Thoughts become things. Till the wheels fall off.

Photo Credits: Credits Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

Namita Nayyar:

A day in the life of ‘Katie Laura Burnett’.

Katie Laura Burnett:

First thing I do is make my bed, I tidy first. Then I make breakfast, then pre WO meal, then train or work whether that’s massage clients or polishing at my partners business (then eat in between and do the other), then go home and eat 2 more meals, sleep repeat.

Sometimes we like to travel to different gyms; most recently visited gyms were 247 fitness in Fareham, Kings Gym in Crawley and Train n Gain in Gosport. Sometimes we travel to random places like the Jurassic Coast for a walk, other evenings we go and play snooker etc. were very random with how we spend our free time as we don’t get much.

Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and the message for its visitors?

Katie Laura Burnett:

They have great content with collections of interviews including views of training and diets for readers to indulge in. They are highly rated by FORBES with a good social media following. Covering content from dieting and fat loss, skin care, workout opportunities and tips such as improving a healthy mentality and yoga etc.

Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding competitive bodybuilding girls, who all are your fans and would like to know from you about their climb to the ladder of success in the field of bodybuilding.

Katie Laura Burnett:

The bodybuilding world is always changing and evolving, it doesn’t look anything like it did back 10 years ago when I started watching it. Invest in your food and training if you wish to pursue a competitive future. It can be expensive depending on federation but there are ways of reducing costs and plenty of helpful sources on the internet for free.

Most people will get coaches, but do your research first before committing to someone, I have seen many coaches give poor advice to men and women and this can hinder outcomes and most importantly health of the athlete. It is a full-time job being a bodybuilder, food is primary every day, training and recovery and reassessing. For some it is too much for others it is addictive, remember to keep a healthy balance.

Namita Nayyar:

You have an Instagram following of 43.3k followers. A message for your ardent admirers.

Katie Laura Burnett:

Thank you all so much for supporting me over the years. The photo-shoots, the boxing events, promo jobs, car shows, the magazine publications, inbox and story questions the messages and likes – everything. I really do have the most honest and genuine followers. Many of my follows have change along with my fitness industry presence, so I’d like to say welcome to all new followers!! It is humbling to know many have stayed with me on my journeys over the years, through the good and bad times and lets all keep moving forwards.

Let’s smash 2024! XoXo
Katie Laura Burnett Social media presence

Instagram @katie_laura_burnett

Photo Credits: Credits
Model: Katie Laura Burnett @katie_laura_burnett
Photographer: Mak Freeman @mak_freeman
Location: Studio 1 gym @studio1_fitness

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

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