Namita Nayyar:
Your mission is, “To positively influence the lives of others.” Why so and how far have you been successful in your mission worldwide?
Katie Corio:
Sometimes I wonder how much of an impact I’m actually making, as the digital space can feel so lonely at times. Human connection is now usually filtered through screens, texts and emojis. But it always seems like just when I need it the most, I run into someone who follows me or has done a program of mine, and they tell me how I’ve made a big positive impact in their lives. That usually refills my cup with purpose. Another big motivator for me to keep going is when I see a progress update of a client of mine, someone with an amazing transformation or a story of confidence and motivation. Then I am assured I AM having a positive impact.
Namita Nayyar:
Why is a good warm-up so important before a workout session? 5 everyday must-dosstretch.
Katie Corio:
A good warm-up is essential to prevent injury, promote blood flow and activate the muscles you’re going to work out. I usually stretch and foam roll after my workout, as my cool down. My 5 everyday stretches are:
- The pigeon hold stretch for the glutes and hips
- The child’s pose for the back and shoulders
- The ½ kneeling hamstring and psoas stretch for your hammies and hips
- Cat cow stretch for neck, back and abdomen
- . Sun salutations for the whole body
Namita Nayyar:
Before starting resistance training, what are the key points to keep in mind?
Katie Corio:
Key points to note are to take it slow and listen to your body. Let your body be your guide. Push your strength, but make sure to keep good form. I recommend hiring a local trainer to show you how to use the equipment in the gym if you’re a total beginner. That will give you the confidence you need to adjust to your gym and give you more variability for your training. I recommend starting with machines and cables, then moving up to the barbells and free weights. I also recommend having a workout program to follow; it will make it MUCH easier for you than randomly wandering around the gym without a plan!
Namita Nayyar:
Three common gym mistakes that beginners make?
Katie Corio:
- They go too hard, too fast. This leads to an overload of soreness and people are more apt to quit after experiencing that.
- They practice bad form. If you’re new to the gym, make SURE you ask someone how to do the exercises before you continue. There’s nothing worse than watching a newbie in the gym throw weight around with bad form!
- They give up too soon. Always remember, just when you want to give up, you’re probably on the verge of a breakthrough. Try to focus on CONSISTENCY rather than RESULTS. Make your goal be to become a healthier person, not to lose x amount of pounds. When you embrace your new identity as a fitness person, you’ll be more likely to make choices that align with what “fitness people” do.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.