Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding professional cliff diving girls who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to ladder of success in field of professional cliff diving?
Ms. Jacqueline Valente:
I think is very important to always follow your feelings and Trust Your self. There aren’t anything we are not able to do, just for some people will take a bit longer then for the others,… but if we try hard, with passion and love we can accomplish everything we wish in life. Follow your instincts, take the chances that life gives you and enjoy everyday as much as possible doing what you like to do and sharing the love and happiness of life with all others around you.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Tell us how did you feel before and after your participation in Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series 2014 at Hell’s Gate on Possum Kingdom Lake?
Ms. Jacqueline Valente:
Before I arrive in Texas for the first competition I was still feeling like a ‘’dream’’, it took couple of hours to really feel that I was actually living the dream! The fly, the hotel, the people, the platform!!! When I step for the first time on it, I confess I had tears on my eyes and the feeling of ‘’Mission accomplished’’. There wasn’t more thoughts, no more dreams, it was real… and it felt just incredible (even better then my dreams). I enjoy every second, every moment, clap, picture taken, all… an experience, feeling that is hard to explain by words… when you really believe you can do things, nobody can stop you. After my participation I felt blessed, honour, special… Unique 🙂 and I remember all the hard work I had before arrived there… and I tell to my self ‘’I would do everything once again, no doubts!’’.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have selected a sport which requires winning over your fear, concentration and possess an exceptionally toned body to finally succeed, how do you achieve that?
Ms. Jacqueline Valente:
I always liked the adrenaline, the fear, to push my limits and go to the edge of things. I like to put targets on my trainings and try things that I am afraid of just to break this barrier inside of me and have the sensation… ‘’If I tell my self I can do it, I will do it”. Is a very dangerous sport and requires a lot of concentration, one distraction and it can lead to a serious injury… Stay focus, concentrate and inside of my own ‘’bubble’’ how I like to say when I am on trainings/competitions.
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