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Improving Ankle Mobility: Must To Minimize Injury

ankle mobility

Having the optimal motion and mobility at each joint allows the body to utilize the architecture of the joint and the soft-tissue structures to the best of their ability.

Research has linked limited dorsiflexion to injuries in the lower leg, such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, stress fractures, ankle sprains and Achilles tendinitis. Two-legged squatting with limited dorsiflexion increases knee valgus, decreases quadriceps activity and increases soleus activity. In addition, limited dorsiflexion in jump landing has been tied to increased ground reaction forces, reduced knee flexion and increased knee valgus—all of which increase the risk of anterior cruciate ligatment (ACL) injury.

Improving ankle mobility requires much more than myofascial release of the calves and stretching the calves with the ankle in dorsiflexion in the sagittal plane.

Ways to Identify Poor Ankle Mobility

Perform a basic air squat a few times and have someone watch you. A telltale sign of poor mobility is if your heels routinely come off the ground.

Stand straight with your feet together. Can you lift the ball of your foot off the ground without moving your body?

Kneel on the ground and assume a position similar to stretching your hip flexors, with one knee on the floor. Your lead foot that you are testing should be lined up 5 inches from the wall. From this position, start to lean in towards the wall while keeping your heel on the ground for as long as possible. This position allows you to measure the tibia angle in relation to the ground and measure the distance of the kneecap from the wall when the heel starts to come up. If the kneecap can touch the wall from 5 inches away, you have good mobility in the ankle.

If we consider the bony geometry of the foot and ankle and the continuity of the myofascial tissue at the back of the gastrocnemius and soleus to the metatarsal heads, and cranially with the relationship to the hamstrings, we can see many overlooked opportunities to improve ankle mobility. The foot and ankle consist of a combined 26 bones that make up 33 joints. By involving the complementary motions of these joints and the associated soft tissues that act on them, we can identify an abundance of ways to develop mobility strategies.

Incorporate the following exercises for enhanced ankle mobility:

Ankle and foot mobility are dynamic processes that are not limited to one direction. Therefore, an effective mobility strategy should address as much variability in tissue extensibility as possible. This can be accomplished by applying motion in relation to the multiple joint structures involved.


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