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What to Know about the Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Every year, hundreds of thousands of health tourists visit Istanbul for what is possibly the biggest trend of the decade. The Hollywood Smile in Turkey has become a procedure that many seek from abroad.

Whether for the affordable prices, the luxury experience, or the cutting-edge technologies; it seems that getting your Hollywood Smile in Turkey is a hot deal.

What is the Hollywood Smile?

If you’re unfamiliar with the Hollywood Smile, it is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that’s recently all the rave. It is the only procedure that can correct all your smile defects and give beautiful and natural results. From issues such as pigmentation whether acquired or genetic; chipping, even minor misalignment can be corrected with the procedure.

To achieve all the above, the Hollywood Smile uses cap-like structures that are cemented on your teeth.

These structures are also known as veneers and can be color-matched to look very natural on you. The procedure usually takes a few weeks, but with technologies like the CEREC veneers, you can get a breath-taking smile in just a few hours.

How Do I Get A Hollywood Smile in Turkey?

Many people worry much about planning the trip. After all, it’s not always easy to travel to a foreign country and get treatment there. However, luckily, many dental clinics in Turkey offer free online consultation. For instance, the Istanbul-based Dentakay allows many international patients to seek their services through a simple online consultation, you can check their website

During the consultation, you’ll be in touch with a specialist who will address all your concerns. From explaining procedures to you to diagnosis, the consultation is very thorough and helpful.

In addition to all this, once you’re interested in getting your Hollywood Smile in Turkey they will take care of your travel arrangements.

These services will include airport pick-up, luxury accommodation, private transport, and professional interpreters to help you communicate with your doctor.

What’s the Procedure?

The Hollywood Smile in Turkey is a procedure that follows a short process. First there’s the oral examination to ensure your oral health is suitable for the procedure. Then there’s the process of filing down your teeth. It’s important to file down your teeth to make room for the veneers. Without this step, your veneers will come on looking bulky and unnatural.

Then comes the process of taking impressions of your mouth. There’s the traditional way which involves you biting onto a mould. This mould is then sent to an off-site laboratory to get your veneers manufactured.

The other option involves the CAD/CAM technology that uses a computer assisted camera to take accurate impressions of your mouth. This technology then 3D prints your veneers on premises.

How Long Does the Hollywood Smile Last?

The Hollywood Smile procedure is durable and typically lasts around 10 to w5 years. However, you must remember that without the right care, your results may not last as long. Make sure you brush twice daily, floss, and use anti-bacterial mouthwash to prevent gum infection and disease that could jeopardise your Hollywood Smile.

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