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Senega Root

Polygala senega

Other names: Milkwort, Rattlesnake Root, Seneca Snakeroot, Senega, Senega Root, Snake Root


Polygala means “much milk”, an allusion to this herb’s profuse secretions. A related species, milkwort, is said to increase milk production in nursing mothers. Senega root may be derived from the Native American Seneca tribe, who used it as a remedy for various ailments. Although other Native American tribes also employed senega root, the Seneca are credited with revealing it to Scottish physician John Tennent (1735), who in turn introduced it to the Western world of medicine.

Native Americans have long used senega root for rheumatism, colds, inflammation, and bleeding wounds. Dr. John Tennent is credited for learning the plant’s uses from them and subsequently advancing senega’s use in Europe for pleurisy and pleuropneumonia. During the early 19th century, senega root was used as an expectorant cough remedy. Today senega root treats bronchitis, tracheitis, emphysema, and inflammation of the respiratory tract. Senega’s principal constituents are saponins, including senegins. These saponins suppress coughing, while their detergent activity breaks up phlegm. Senega is also thought to stimulate bronchial mucous gland secretion. Saponins in senega root may hold some potential for treating non-insulin dependent diabetes.

In North American and European herbal medicine, senega root is used as an expectorant to treat bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, and whooping cough. The root has a stimulant action on the bronchial mucous membranes, promoting the coughing up of mucus from the chest and thereby easing wheezing. In large doses, the root is emetic. It is also thought to promote sweating and to stimulate saliva secretion.

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1/2 – 1 teaspoonful of the dried root and let infuse for 10 – 15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.

Tincture: Take 1 – 2 ml of the tincture three times a day

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