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Lycium Fruit

Guarana There are two primary varieties of Lycium. The first is called Ning Xia Lycium. This Lycium is the preferred herb of herbal connoisseurs. It is
big, has thick fruit meat, has few seeds and its taste is sweet and exquisite. Ning Xia Lycium is further graded according to size, larger ones selling for considerably more than smaller ones. The larger ones tend to be sweeter, and have a juicier texture. The best Ning Xia Lycium, ironically, now comes from Xinjiang AutonomousRegion at the very west of China, at the foot of the Mountain of Heaven, a mountain range the nearly equals the Himalayan mountain peaks. The pure snow runnoff is the only water used to grow the Lycium in this region.

Regular consumption of Lycium is traditionally believed to lead to a long, vigorous and happy life. Lycium has long been used as a longevity herb. It is one of the premier anti-aging herbs of Asian herbalism and is believed to fortify  the system against disease and to provide the energy to overcome difficult obstacles. And it is said that prolonged consumption of Lycium will promote cheerfulness and brighten the Spirit. Lycium is also said to brighten the eyes and improve vision. Lycium strengthens the legs  and has long been a favorite herb of Chinese martial artists and athletes. Lycium fruit is widely believed to increase sexual fluids and enhance fertility. Lycium is a quintessential tonic herb.

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