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Strong stimulant for the entire digestive system as it increases gastric and other secretions and relaxes spasms. Its antispasmodic action makes it useful for certain types of asthma and menstrual pain. Ithas sedative  properties but as yet, the way they work is not completely understood. It relaxes smooth muscle and believed to have an estrogenic effect. As some of hops constituents depress central nervous system activity, this herb should NOT be taken by people with a history of or current depression, however mild. A hops sachet placed inside the pillow releases an aroma that calms the mind to reduce irritability and tension, thereby promoting a restful sleep.

Hop or Humulus lupulus is a of flowering plant. The Hop is dioecious, i.e. male and female flowers are on separate plants. The male flowers are in loose bunches or panicles, 3 to 5 inches long. The female flowers are in leafy cone-like catkins, called strobiles. When fully developed, the strobiles are about 1 1/4 inch long, oblong in shape and rounded, consisting of a number of overlapping, yellowish-green bracts, attached to a separate axis. If these leafy organs are removed, the axis will be seen to be hairy and to have a little zigzag course. Each of the bracts enfolds at the base a small fruit (achene), both fruit and bract being sprinkled with yellow translucent glands, which appear as a granular substance. Much of the value of Hops depends on the abundance of this powdery substance, which contains 10 per cent of Lupulin, the bitter principle to which Hops owe much of their tonic properties. Hops have tonic, nervine, diuretic and anodyne properties. Their volatile oil produces sedative and soporific effects, and the Lupamaric acid or bitter principle is stomachic and tonic. For this reason Hops improve the appetite and promote sleep. It eases stress, nervousness and restlessness. It’s useful for the treatment of anxiety disorders, insomnia and pain. Hops is anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and has sedative properties, making it an excellent herb for muscle spasms.

Cautions and Side Effects

Avoid in pregnancy. Do not take if prone to depression. Handle fresh or dried hops carefully as they occasionally cause skin rashes.

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