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Gymnema sylvestre or grumar

Gymnema sylvestre or grumar is used to support healthy blood glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, all within existing normal, healthy levels. Research confirm that the leaf’s chief ingredient gymnemic acid not only blocks the taste of sugar, but also that of artificial sweeteners. This is because gymnemic acid’s molecular structure is similar to that of sugar. If gymnema molecules serve as “sugar stand-ins,” the taste buds are satisfied and do not require the real deal. It stands to reason that if your sweet tooth has all but disappeared with this herb, you are less likely to consume high sugar items that will negatively impact your glucose or blood sugar levels. Scientific studies suggest that Gymnema Sylvestre can increase pancreatic function, which can in turn impact the production of insulin and control blood sugar. This ability is promising for managing a host of conditions including diabetes and hypoglycemia. In fact, a 1999 study of Gymnema Sylvestre and the Simulation of Insulin conducted by a group at Kings College showed that the Gymnema Sylvestre leaf can direct certain pancreatic cells to increase their release of insulin.

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