Used specifically for female reproductive disorders. Valuable for menstrual problems and ovarian cysts; can also be very helpful during menopause. Used as a tonic to help treat digestive and genitourinary problems. Uterine and ovarian tonic, promotes menstrual flow, diuretic. Seems to have a normalizing effect on the female reproductive system and is given to women with absent or irregular periods. Encourages the ovaries to release their hormones correctly. Also used to treat endometriosis and uterine infections.
In doses of 10 or 15 grains of the powdered root, repeated 3 or 4 times a day, it has been found very beneficial in dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and for the removal of worms. It is more especially applicable in indigestion, dyspepia, andmal-assimilation, where the trouble is reflex from, or associated with wrongs of the female reproductive apparatus.