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Ephedra is a small stiff shrub about one metre high.  It has many branched stems, straight branches and minute leaves, reduced to two-toothed sheaths or covering.  The dried stems of ephedra, collected in autumn, constitute the drug.  The trade name is based on its scientific name.

 The ephedra is indigenous to India and contains alkaloids.  The principal alkaloid is ephedrine which is similar to adrenaline in pharmacological action.  The other alkaloid contained in the herb is pseudo-ephedrine.

Healing Power and Curative Properties

No drug of recent years has attracted so much attention from the medical profession as ephedrine, an extract prepared from the herb ephedra, by allopathic pharmacists.  It has earned a great reputation as an instantaneous cure for asthma and some other diseases.  Ayurvedic physicians, however, maintain that the use of the herb in the original form is safer than ephedrine.

The main use of ephedra  is in the treatment of asthma, particularly bronchial asthma.  The powder of the herb in doses ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 grams should be swallowed with water in such symptoms.  It will give immediate relief by facilitating unrestricted discharge of the accumulated phlegm and clearance of the air passage, followed by restful sleep.

The powder as well as infusion of ephedra is useful in acute rheumatism.  Its use for 10 to 12 days consecutively will relieve painful, inflamed joints and leave the patient healthy.  It, however, is not of much value in chronic cases.  Ephedra stands as an infallible remedy for rheumatic troubles where allopathic medicines like salicylate of soda, aspirin and antipyrin fail to produce any visible result.  At the same time, it does not produce any side-effects on the heart.  It is good stimulant for cardiac results.

Ephedra is a powerful blood purifier, being a popular folk remedy for such conditions as arthritis, rheumatism, bursitis and other painful muscle and joint problems. Since ephedra is a vasoconstrictor, it has been used to stop internal bleeding.

Heart Disorders
Ephedra is an excellent stimulant for the heart.  It has proved very effective especially in cases where the heart is affected by infections of pneumonia and diptheria.

Recent studies with both humans and laboratory animals have shown ephedrine to be beneficial in promoting weight loss. The main mechanism at work is its thermogenic ability to increase the metabolic rate of adipose tissue thereby enhancing the body’s ability to burn fat. Its weight reducing effects are greatest in those who have a low basal metabolic rate.

There are many things to be aware of by taking this type of herb and its alkaloids. (Doctors may not recommend this for some types of individuals with medical problems or while pregnant, so make sure again that you ask your doctor beforehand). Abuse of this herb may have many side effects such as insomnia, motor disturbances, high blood pressure, urinary disturbances, disturbed cerebral circulations and glaucoma. There have been many reported deaths due to abuse of ephedra and its alkaloids.

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