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Common name: Kua-lou, Ladies’ 0seal, Tamus, Tetterberry, White bryony, Wild bryony, Wild hops, Wild vine, Wood vine

Parts Usually Used : Rootstock

White bryony is a powerful purgative. In Germany, the rootstock is
hollowed out and filled with beer. After 1 to 2 days, the beer is taken, a tsp. at a time, for constipation. The dried root is sometimes used for whooping cough. Also used for rheumatism, epilepsy, dizziness, palsy, dropsy, leprosy, convulsions, cramps, kidney stones, cough, shortness of breath. Externally, used to remove freckles, relieve sunburn, cleanse ulcers, sores, wounds, bruises, boils.

White byrony purges violently; should have medical supervision.

The rootstock is poisonous in large doses. The berries are very poisonous. 40 berries will kill an adult; 15 berries will kill a child

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