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Bicarbonate of Soda

Whole books have been written about the healing powers and other uses of bicarbonate of soda. It is renowned as a household cleanser, It’s also used as a raising agent in backing because it produces carbon dioxide bubbles that give cakes, muffins and some bread and pastries their ‘lift’. And on top of all that, it has wide-ranging healing properties.

What’s it good for?

Bicarbonate of soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate or simply ’bicarb’, is among the fastest-acting antacids. It stops itching from insect bites and stings. It helps to remove dental plaque and neutralizes tooth-damaging acids. It eases the symptoms of bladder infections, Doctors even use it to reduce blood acids during dialysis for kidney disease. So don’t take that little plastic drum on your baking shelf for granted.

Nature’s neutralizer
All chemicals can be rated according to their pH, a measure of acidity and alkalinity: Water, with a pH value of 7.0 is neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline and anything below 7.0 is acid. With a pH of 8.4, bicarbonate of soda is mildly alkaline and takes the edge off potentially harsh acids.

Look at heartburn, for example. This usually occurs when highly corrosive hydrochloric acid in the stomach finds its way upwards into the oesophagus causing a temporary chemical burn. You can obtain relief by taking a sodium bicarbonate tablet or a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda with a few drops of lemon juice mixed in a glass of water. (Lemon juice helps to dispel some of the gas bicarbonate of soda can form when it combines with stomach acid.) When you drink this fizzy medicine, it neutralizes hydrochloric acid by covering it to harmless sodium chloride and carbon dioxide. The effects last only about 30 minutes, but they occur almost instantly.
(Alert Don’t use this remedy too often because bicarbonate of soda is high in sodium, which may raise your blood pressure.)

There are many other ways to take advantage of bicarbonate of soda. For example, you can:

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