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Other names: Barbados cherry, West Indian cherry, cereza

Hinders Heart Disease
Just one tiny acerola has over 80 milligrams of vitamin C. That is as much as a whole grapefruit. And studies say that is enough to cut your risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. Vitamin C fights free radicals, makes your blood vessels more flexible, lowers your blood pressure and re-energizes the other top antioxidant, vitamin E. All the things you need to keep your heart running smoothly.

Cancels Cancer
If you want to lower your risk of cancer, eat foods rich in antioxidants. Once they are in your body, antioxidants stop free radicals dead in their tracks before they cause cell damage, while others fix the damage already done by these troublemakers. Either way, antioxidants work hard to keep cancer away. Since acerolas have two of the top free-radical scavengers in the business ā€“ vitamin C and beta-carotene ā€“ you owe it to yourself to track down these tropical treasures.

Improves Immunity
Eating foods high in vitamin C may not cure the common cold, but it can help strengthen your defenses against pesky bacteria and viruses. Research shows vitamin C encourages your immune system to be all that it can be against the bad guys ā€“ just like the Army. With vitamin Cā€™s help, your body sends out white blood cells that hunt down and literally gobble up germs.

An Age-Old Remedy for Aging Skin
In traditional Latin American medicine, the acerola is renown as an astringent and a powerful weapon against ringworm and other fungal infections. And now the American Academy of Dermatology suggests there is one more way the Barbados cherry may heal the skin. The abundant amount of vitamin C in the acerola may heal cuts, wipe away wrinkles, and clear up other blemishes caused by aging. In fact, many anti-aging skin creams tout that they have acerola in them. The next time you are shopping for a skin cream, look for acerola in the ingredients and try it for yourself.

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