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Hand Expressing Breast Milk: Techniques and Tips for Moms

Knowing how to hand express your breast milk can be especially helpful in a variety of situations – whether you’ve been away from your baby (and breast pump) for a longer period and need to express some breast milk to relieve engorgement and uncomfortable fullness, or your breasts are full and you need to soften the areola to help your little one latch better so he or she can nurse.

These situations may occur for a ton of reasons, such as simply forgetting to bring your breast pump with you to work or mistakenly snoozing through an overnight pumping session (it happens – sleep can be a premium with a baby at home!). So, knowing how to correctly hand express your breast milk if away from your little one and caught without your pump can help you continue to meet your breastfeeding goals while avoiding discomfort, eventual supply concerns, and even potential health complications.

Steps to Hand Express Breast Milk:

Storing Breast milk

Hand-expressing milk between feedings — especially during peak times when prolactin, the hormone that helps with milk production, is at its highest at night or early in the morning — can help ensure you have a bank of breast milk at your disposal.

Knowing how to store your breast milk is also important information to have on hand. In most cases, breast milk can be stored:

Resources and Further Reading

These resources provide comprehensive information and tips on how to successfully pump and store breast milk, ensuring that working and non-working mothers can continue to provide the best nutrition for their babies while managing their professional responsibilities.

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