you miss washboard abs or sexy, toned legs, then one
thing is sure that you’re not working out enough. It’s
easy to sit back and whine about how fat you are. Just
sitting around and having a burger won't do you any good,
begin with the exercises in this week's article,
Challenging 30 Minutes Ab Workout.
In fitness,
Articles of the Week
Hot Fitness Tip
D is an essential vitamin required by the body for the
proper absorption of calcium, bone development, control
of cell growth, neuromuscular functioning, proper immune
functioning, and alleviation of inflammation. A recent
study showed that insufficient vitamin D levels could be
to blame in women who undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF)
yet fail to conceive.
It is naturally found mainly in
fish oils, fatty fish, and to a lesser extent in beef
liver, cheese, egg yolks, and certain mushrooms. Vitamin
D is also naturally made by your body when you expose
your skin to the sun, and thus, is called the sun-shine
vitamin. The current U.S. DV for vitamin D is 600 IU
(international units) and the toxicity threshold for
vitamin D is thought to be 10,000 to 40,000 IU/day.
Words of Inspiration
Success is doing the right thing
an early age, it’s ingrained in us that we need to be
successful. We want to be successful more than anything
else in the world. But what does that even mean? Does it
mean that you’ll be rich? Does it mean that you’ll be
famous? Or does that mean that you’ll do good at the job
you have?
To me, success is doing what you love and being happy.
According to a study on happiness by Dan Beutner in his
book called Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones
Way, researchers found that money does bring some
happiness, but not as much as most people think. The
richest Americans earning 10 million annually have only
slightly higher scores than the office workers and
blue-collar workers they employ.
Take some time in your life on your busy road to success
and think. Are you happy? If so, in that moment, you are
successful and are doing the right thing. Your life is
already a success. You are successful.
Success Quote
work and doing the little things right on a daily basis
are what lead to success. ”
Beezie Madden, World Cup Winner Show Jumping |

Healthy Recipe
Granola Fruit Squares
Makes: 16 squares
Nutritional Information:
Per Serving
Calories: 198 Kcal,
Fat: 10 g,
Carbohydrate: 25 g,
Protein: 5 g,
Fiber: 3 g. |
1 cup old-fashioned oats or quick oats, uncooked
(not instant)
1/4 cup almonds
1/4 cup walnuts
1 Tbsp. flax seeds
1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 cup honey, softened by placing the jar in a pan
of water over low heat
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup combination raisins, dried cranberries and
dried cherries
Cooking spray
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line 9-inch square baking dish with aluminum foil
and leave 2-inches of foil hanging over edges.
In large nonstick skillet over medium heat stir
oats, nuts and seeds and toast for 6-8 minutes. Set
aside to cool. When cool, in food processor, pulse
mixture until coarse. Avoid making the mixture too
In mixing bowl combine flour, cinnamon, baking
powder and salt. Whisk until blended. Set aside.
In another mixing bowl combine oil, honey, sugar,
vanilla and eggs and mix well. Stir in flour mixture
until just combined. Gently add oat mixture, fresh
blueberries and dried fruit.
Lightly coat baking dish with cooking spray. Pour
granola batter into dish and spread evenly. Bake
until mixture is set, about 25 to 28 minutes. Remove
from oven and allow to completely cool. Use
overhanging foil to lift granola slab from baking
dish to cutting board. Cut into desired size bars.
Source: AICR
Celebrity of the Week |

Michelle Waterson |
The routine defined here is meant for advanced trainees and will target the core, upper abdominals, lower abs and the obliques.
Always begin with a small low intensity warm up can help to increase range of motion making the exercises more effective at increasing strength and core stability.
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