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Volume No.: 670

Date: 24th July 2014


New Happening

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Ab exercises are some of the most popular exercises for both novice and elite athletes. However to get a flat belly and defined abs it takes more than just crunches. You also need to reduce the layer of body fat covering up your well-defined abs. To learn more check out this week's focus on, Top 10 Truth About Flat Abs.
In fitness,

Articles of the Week


Hot Fitness Tip


Ready to targets glutes and hamstrings. Get started. Lie on your back, knees bent. Fold your arms over your chest and slowly raise your hips up until your shoulders, hips and knees align (do not arch your back). Pause and squeeze your glutes for five seconds before slowly lowering your hips back down. Do not rest at the bottom! Pause and raise back up and repeat 15 times. If you feel really strong, straighten and lift one of your legs (thighs should be parallel) and then raise and squeeze. Lower yourself on the bent leg keeping that leg raised. This also works your core like crazy. Do 10 on each side.

Words of Inspiration


Never give up on your Dreams

Belief is a powerful word … the state of knowing and feeling certain that something special is coming your way.

Creating that state of certainty … to believe in your dreams requires 3 steps:

Love what you do
To believe in your dreams, make sure to find what you absolutely love to do and then make it your dream.

Document your goals
When you know exactly what you want, you create a state of absolute certainty … a belief that cuts through any doubt.
To believe in your dreams, you’ve got to know what you want. One of the best ways to figure that out is to write it out.

Wear the enthusiasm your dreams generate
Your dreams take consistent enthusiasm to keep them burning. A small movement or a small action is all you need to keep your that enthusiasm. Take a small action each day to keep it alive. By doing this consistently you’ll start to realize your dreams, one step at a time.

Never let your dreams die.


Success Quote


"Some men see things as they are and say, 'Why?' I dream of things that never were and say, Why not?"

Robert F. Kennedy


Healthy Recipe


Mint-Chocolate Meringue Cookies

Makes: 60 cookies

Nutritional Information:
Per Serving

Calories: 15 Kcal, Fat: 0 g, Carbohydrate: 3 g, Protein: 0 g, Fiber: 0 g.



  • 3 egg whites

  • 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar

  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted

  • 1/4 teaspoon mint extract

  • 1/3 cup mini chocolate chips or finely chopped bittersweet chocolate


  • Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper, securing the edges with tape.

  • With an electric mixer, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time. Add cocoa powder and beat until the mixture becomes glossy. Add mint extract. Gently fold in chips.

  • Place mixture in a pastry bag fitted with a 1/2- or 3/4-inch tip. Pipe 1-inch rounds onto the parchment, leaving 1 to 2 inches between cookies. With damp fingertips, press down any peaks.

  • Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, rotating pans halfway through baking. Place baking sheets on a cooling rack for 10 minutes before peeling cookies off the parchment.

  • If a pastry bag isn’t available, spoon mixture into a zip-top bag and snip a 1/2-inch hole in the bottom corner of the bag. Batter can also be dropped with a tablespoon onto the parchment.

 Source: AICR


Celebrity of the Week

Marlen Esparza


Top 10 Truth About Flat Abs
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If you are doing abdominal exercises in the hope of getting a strong core and a flat stomach, you aren’t alone. Ab exercises are some of the most popular exercises for both novice and elite athletes. However to get a flat belly and defined abs it takes more than just crunches. You also need to reduce the layer of body fat covering up your well-defined abs.

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