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Volume No.: 658

Date: 05th May 2014


New Happening

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Eating foods rich in the missing nutrients, combined with lifestyle changes and regular exercise, one can produce significant improvement in mild to moderate depression. To learn more how diet can affect the balance of mental and physical well being, check out this week's article, Lift your Spirits via Food.

According to The World Health Organization, suicide rates have increased 60 percent over the past 50 years, most strikingly in the developing world, and that by 2020 depression will be the second most prevalent medical condition in the world. May is mental health awareness month at Women Fitness , to learn tips and exercises for optimum mental health, click here.

Celebrities from different fields- sports, films, modeling etc. have a major role in setting an example of a healthy lifestyle to women around the world teaching them how to meet everyday fitness challenges and achieve a body they desire. Click here, to stay updated with latest Women Fitness celebrities. 

 In Fitness,

Articles of the Week


Hot Fitness Tip


To make the most of your time and achieve the fastest results possible, use compound movement exercises that deliver the most in short duration. Perform eight to 12 reps each exercise. Perform all reps of exercises in succession without resting in between, then rest for 90 seconds and repeat two or three more times.  

Words of Inspiration


The Seed

We are full of energy and in need of direction. When that energy is guided toward creative achievement, the results can be spectacular. Plant the seed of encouragement in the fertile ground of your life, and it will grow into magnificent accomplishments.

Anyone has the capacity to do great things, yet far too few know it or believe it. No matter how fertile the ground may be, if no seed is planted, nothing will grow. A seed is tiny. Yet when it is planted in the right place and at the right time, and nurtured with care, that tiny seed can grow into a ceaselessly abundant harvest.

Think of the lives around you where the seed of encouragement can take root and grow. Think of the difference you can make when you encourage
yourself and when you offer your encouragement to others. Think of the seeds that you have the opportunity to plant. Spread the seeds of encouragement far and wide, and delight in the bountiful harvest that they will surely bring.


Success Quote


"Success requires dedication, sacrifice and lots of hard work. Success doesn’t always come easy. Plateaus and obstacles are often part of the process. Success doesn't always happen when we want it to happen. Trust in the process."

Natalie Coughlin


Healthy Recipe


Sesame Sugar Snap Peas

Makes: 4 servings

Nutritional Information:
Per Serving

Calories: 90 Kcal, Fat: 4 g, Carbohydrate: 11 g, Protein: 3 g, Fiber: 3 g.


  • 2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

  • 2 cloves garlic, finely minced

  • 1 lb. sugar snap peas, trimmed

  • 1 Tbsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce

  • 1/2 tsp. sesame seed oil (can use toasted sesame seed oil)

  • Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes or to taste

  • 1 tsp. honey

  • 1 Tbsp. toasted sesame seeds


  • Place oven rack in highest position and preheat broiler.
    In mixing bowl, whisk together olive oil and garlic. Add snap peas and toss to coat well.

  • On baking dish, place snap peas in single layer. Broil until tender, about 5-6 minutes.

  • While peas are cooking, mix together soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper flakes and honey.

  • After removing snap peas from oven, gently toss with soy sauce mixture. Garnish with sesame seeds.

  • Serve hot or chilled as side dish. Hot is most common.

 Source: AICR


Celebrity of the Week

Maria Balikoeva


Lift your Spirits via Food
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The food you eat affects your mental health as well as your physical well-being. A bad diet can be one of the causes of depression on food swings. A healthy diet, on the other hand, may be enough to lift your spirits without the need for medication and counseling.

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