are 10 food combinations that are considered bad by
Ayurveda. Some of the immediate consequences of these
bad food combinations are digestive un-ease,
gas, bloating, stomach ache, nausea, fatigue, and
problems with elimination. This week's article covers,
Top 10 Food Combinations to Avoid.
In Fitness,

Articles of the Week
Hot Fitness Tip
afford a health club or personal trainer? No problem.
Anything that gets your heart pumping and makes you
break a sweat will do. Choose amongst walking, running,
skipping, jogging etc. And here’s a little secret: You
don’t have to do 30 minutes all at once. Ten minutes in
the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon, and 10 minutes
after dinner is just fine. If the weather is bad, walk
around a mall or even a large store such as Wal-Mart.
Some areas even have walking and hiking clubs. For
example, in Long Beach, CA there is the "Long Beach Area
Walking Club"
Words of Inspiration
Keep Moving Forward.
it one step at a time, treat obstacles like hurdles,
conquer them one at a time.
You can't win a race by jumping over all the hurdles at
once. You start by taking a few steps, jump over the
first hurdle, gain momentum and jump
over the next hurdle.
I am so proud of a girl who was determined to win her
event, the 300 high hurdles last week at her district
track meet.
She is the youngest member of her varsity track squad.
She knew she had an important meet coming up, she wanted
to win because this would help
her get her first "athletic letter".
Ever day after school she practiced hard. She stretched,
rehearsed, psyched herself up using positive
affirmations and visualizations. Race day came and
she knew she was ready.
The meet announcer called out her name for the 300 high
hurdle line up, lane three. She kneeled down confident
and anxious. The gun went off and she flew out of the
blocks, five graceful strides and over the hurdle she
glided, perfect landing, five more steps and over the
hurdle she glided again. She looks confident. Three
strides and "oh no" a bug flew into her eye. Instantly
her vision was blurred, her strides became choppy, her
focus was lost. She lost her rhythm and couldn't tell
where the next hurdle was. Struggling to see while tears
streamed down her glimpse of the hurdle but didn't have
enough time to prepare her lead leg so she walked around
it. She lost the momentum and came in third instead of
the "confident" first she felt when she took her
position. All the preparation in the world couldn't have
prepared her for the "bug in the eye."
When was the last time you
felt that way. You know you had prepared. You thought
nothing could stop you and, sure enough, something went
wrong. The only control you have is over your thoughts,
interpretations, references and reactions. Work on your
interpretation, anxiety and more peace as you work
towards your goals and dreams.
Success Quote
mind often runs out of steam before the body’s done, and
if you push past that hurdle you can become stronger.
Donald Hunter, a fitness instructor |

Healthy Recipe
Asian Honey Chicken
Makes: 4 servings
Nutritional Information:
Per Serving
Calories: 178 Kcal,
Fat: 2.5 g,
Carbohydrate: 11 g,
Protein: 27 g,
Fiber: 0 g. |
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce
1 tsp. sesame oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 green onion, chopped
2 tsp. fresh ginger root, peeled and grated
1 1/2 lb. chicken breasts, with ribs, skinless
In small skillet over low heat combine honey, soy
sauce, sesame oil, garlic, onion and ginger. Stir
until honey melts, about 1 minute.
In medium baking pan, cover chicken with sauce until
well coated. Arrange breast side down, ensuring
parts don’t overlap. Tightly cover pan with aluminum
foil. Marinate 2 hours (longer is better) in
Before cooking, remove pan from refrigerator and
allow it to sit at room temperature for 15 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place covered baking pan in oven and bake 30
Uncover pan and turn chicken over. Bake uncovered
for an additional 30 minutes or until internal
temperature is 165 degrees. Baste once with pan
juices after 10-15 minutes.
Source: AICR
According to Ayurvedic teachings knowing your dosha "that which contaminates" and guna provides you with an understanding of your basic physical and psychological nature, and helps tailor a personal diet and lifestyle to maintain optimum health and peace of mind. Ayurveda teaches that health is maintained by the balancing of the three Doshas- Vatha, Pitta and Kapha. According to ayurveda, the five fundamental elements that make up the universe, space (akasha), air (vayu), fire (agni), water (apu) and earth (prithvi) also make up the human physiology. Vata dosha is made up of space and air. Pitta dosha is a combination of fire and water. Kapha dosha is made up of water and earth. Pitta is increased by foods which are sour and pungent, Kapha is aggravated by milk products, Vata is over-stimulated by beans, dry fruits, astringent and bitter substances.
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