and Celebrations tend to become a big challenge for
those looking for healthy weight loss. Coping with the
surrounding temptations can be tough to handle. So, why
not shift your focus from weight loss to maintenance,
this winter. To help you out, WF brings you an article
on, Target Weight Maintenance this Holiday Season.
In fitness,

Articles of the Week
Real Life Experiences
Fitness in its pursuit to make a woman more
comfortable and feel better about herself would like
to invite them, from around the world to share their
experiences regarding successful weight loss, sexual
satisfaction, diet trial and success & pregnancy blues
Q. Worst Reactions to Pregnancy Announcements. "Was it planned?" (I'd been married for six or seven years.) "It's a miracle! We all thought you were unable to have babies." Did you get any negative reactions to your pregnancy news? Come Share Your Experience. Click here
Hot Fitness Tip
regular walking or jogging program can benefit you by
decreasing your blood pressure, resting heart rate, and
cholesterol, while increasing your metabolic rate and
ability to burn fat. Wind, snow, and cold needn’t slow
you down if you dress appropriately with layers to keep
you warm and reflective clothing to keep you visible on
dark days. Be sure to warm up your muscles first, since
cold temperatures make your body less flexible and more
prone to injuries. Wear shoes with deep traction to
prevent slipping on wet or icy roads. Finally, find
yourself a workout buddy who’ll help keep you
motivated—it’s a lot easier to roll out into the cold
when you have a committed friend waiting.
Words of Inspiration
Enjoy the Present
the time splits, the results, the expectations and just
go and do what you know how to do. Race your bike, was
rightfully said by a coach to an athlete.
Today, as you look back at your successes and perceived
failures, take the kernels of knowledge, smile at the
memories and move on. Plan your 2014, look for moments
that makes your arms tingle with excitement and
intimidate you at least a little bit.
As you set goals and evaluate, take a little time here
and there to embrace Buddha’s advice and enjoy riding in
the present moment.
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present moment." — Buddha
Success Quote
"This is my wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies, health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays!"
D.M. Dellinger |

Healthy Recipe
Red Berry Pudding with Cream
Makes: 4 servings
Nutritional Information:
Per Serving
Calories: 206 Kcal,
Fat: 3 g,
Carbohydrate: 45 g,
Protein: 2 g,
Fiber: 6 g,
Sodium: 9 mg.
. |
1 (10-oz) bag frozen raspberries, defrosted, at
room temperature
1 (16-oz) bag frozen strawberries, defrosted, at
room temperature
2½ Tbsp. cornstarch
1/3 cup sugar, plus 2 teaspoons, divided
2 Tbsp. sliced almonds, optional, for garnish
1/4 cup light cream, chilled
Set sieve over mixing bowl. Pour defrosted fruits
and their juices into strainer. Dip out 3
tablespoons of combined juices and put in small
bowl. Whisk cornstarch into berry juice mixture
until smooth. Set mixture aside.
Using a wooden spoon, push defrosted berries through
strainer. Occasionally scrape pureed fruit on
outside of strainer into bowl using a flexible
spatula. When mashed pulp clings in a ball inside
strainer, discard it. Measure pureed fruit and
juices (there will be about 2 cups) and pour into
heavy, medium stainless steel or other non-reactive
saucepan. Add cornstarch mixture and 1/3 cup sugar
to pot and stir to combine.
Set pot over medium-high heat and cook, whisking
frequently, until berry mixture thickens and looks
glossy, about 5 minutes in total, taking care not to
let it boil.
Divide hot pudding among 4 small
dessert dishes rinsed in cold water and drained but
not dried. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of remaining sugar
over top of each serving to prevent a skin from
forming. Or, pour pudding into one large serving
bowl and sprinkle with 2 teaspoons sugar. Let
pudding sit until it is room temperature. Cover and
refrigerate to chill. This dessert keeps, covered in
refrigerator, for up to 3 days.
To serve, sprinkle sliced almonds over top of
pudding, if using. Spoon 1 tablespoon of cream over
each serving, or pour cream into a small pitcher and
pass it separately.
Courtesy: AICR
Holidays and Celebrations tend to become a big challenge for those looking for healthy weight loss. Coping with the surrounding temptations can be tough to handle. So, why not shift your focus from weight loss to maintenance, this winter.
Weight Maintenance calls for certain essentials so that you do not lose control.
Read more