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Volume No.: 631

Date: 24th October 2013

New Happening

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Most people think that they know what they eat- but they possess a general idea and tend to have selective memory, especially when it comes to the foods that aren't so good for us. With a detailed food diary, you can see where those extra calories are coming from. This week Women Fitness draws your focus on, Food Diary: a Successful Weight-loss Tool.
Happy Halloween,

Hot Fitness Tip


One of the best exercises to tone the backs of your thighs is the Donkey Kick. In this, you get down on all fours, and then kick one leg behind you, all the while keeping it bent at a 90 degree angle.

Words of Inspiration


Lit the Fire Within

On February 17, 2002, nervous anticipation filled the Salt Lake Ice Center for Apolo Ono’s first Olympic short-track, speed-skating final, the 1,000 meters. Apolo was heralded as an Olympian who had a chance to win four gold medals. He typically waits until late in the race to make his move, and this race was no different. With two laps remaining, he finally moved to the front of the pack of five skaters. On the very last corner, Apolo and Li Jiajun from China bumped lightly, then Li bumped Ahn Hyun-soo from Korea, and in an instant they found themselves spilled across the ice, sliding into the padded walls. Only the Australian, Steven Bradbury, remained upright to cross the finish line, the first Australian ever to win a gold medal in the Winter Olympics. As he would later say, his strategy worked perfectly—he hoped the others would crash.

As Steven was crossing the finish line, the crowd breathed a collective groan, their hopes of an American gold medal fallen with Apolo, who was also injured in the crash with a gash that would require six stitches. Largely unnoticed in the instantaneous aftermath of the fallen skaters, Apolo scrambled to get up and slide, skate first, across the finish line. He knew that winning the silver medal was still possible and that what would determine his order of finish would be when his skate crossed the line. He barely edged out the Canadian for the silver medal. During the medal ceremony Apolo exuded how thrilled he was. He didn’t lose the gold. He won the silver. When Apolo fell, he not only got up, he got up quickly.

This episode, teaches us that we all stand a chance to get knocked down, we may not get knocked down on ice, but we can experience reversals in health, finances, or with family, friends, or other areas. Our true challenge is what happens next. We need to get up and get up quickly.  

Success Quote


"Each of us has a fire in our hearts for something. It’s our goal in life to find it and keep it lit."

Mary Lou Retton, gymnastics


Healthy Recipe


Sweet Hot Pumpkin Seeds with Autumn Spices

Makes:  8 servings

Nutritional Information:
Per 2 tablespoon Serving:

Calories: 180 Kcal, Fat: 14 g, Carbohydrate: 6 g, Protein: 9 g, Fiber: 1 g, Sodium: 160 mg.


  • Canola oil spray

  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds*

  • 4 tsp. walnut oil (olive oil may be substituted)

  • 1 tsp. ground ginger

  • 1 Pinch cloves

  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp. chili powder or paprika (optional)

  • 1 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp. dark brown sugar

  • Dash salt

  • 2 tsp. water

* Scooped whole from the pumpkin then washed and dried and pre-toasted for 30 minutes in a 300-degree oven; or hulled, prepackaged from the grocery store.


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    Lightly coat baking sheet with canola oil spray. Either pre-toast whole seeds from pumpkin (as noted above), or spread hulled seeds on pan in one layer and toast in oven for 10 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, in small skillet, whisk together oil, spices, sugar, salt and water. Simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally, until seeds finish toasting.

  • Remove seeds from oven and stir into spice mixture, coating evenly, and cook on stove for another 5 minutes. Return seeds to baking sheet, patting into one layer. Bake about 10 minutes, until crisp.

  • Remove from oven, let cool and gently loosen from baking sheet with tip of metal spatula. Store in a tightly covered container.

 Courtesy: AICR


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Food Diary: a Successful Weight-loss Tool
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According to Time magazine, a multi-centre study in the USA found that, compared to other methods of weight loss, keeping a food diary helped slimmers to lose an average of 8kg in a 6-month period, whereas dieters who didn't keep diaries only lost 4kg.

Writing down everything you consume, in great detail, like, eating seven peanuts, a packet of ketchup can help you achieve striking weight loss results. Most people think that they know what they eat, but they possess a general idea and tend to have selective memory, especially when it comes to the foods that aren't so good for us. With a detailed food diary, you can see where those extra calories are coming from. The records can help us to identify eating habits that need to be modified.

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