Ups involved some of the biggest muscle groups in your
body. More muscle worked = Bigger calorie expenditure.
Pull Ups are one of the best “bang for your buck
exercises” to increase strength, metabolic demands,
improving V-Taper and posture. If you wish to build
strength check out this week's article, Pull-Ups: For
Strength & Higher Calorie Expenditure.
In fitness,
Hot Fitness Tip
an equal amount of applesauce or any baby-food fruits
for up to half of the total oil in your favorite dessert
recipes. Strained prunes actually enhance the chocolate
flavor in brownies!
Words of Inspiration
is uncomfortable and requires new ways of thinking and
doing. People have trouble developing a vision of what
life will look like on the other side of a change. So,
they tend to cling to the known rather than embrace the
By your thinking and your approach, you can affect the
degree to which resistance to change bogs the change
down. You can reduce natural resistance to change by the
actions you take, like waking up early morning is not
easy for those who go to bed late, but sticking on to
the target can help you bring the change sooner or later
for good.
It's your responsibility to implement the change. You
can only do that effectively, if you step back, take a
deep breath, and plan how you will implement the change.
Success Quote
lives improve only when we take chances - and the first
and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with
Walter Anderson |

Healthy Recipe
Chicken and Pear Salad with Mint Dressing
Makes: 4 servings
Nutritional Information:
Per serving
Calories: 231 kcal,
Fat: 3 g,
Carbohydrate: 31 g,
Protein:23 g,
Fiber: 5g,
Sodium: 131 mg. |
3 firm ripe pears, cut into approximately 1-inch
Juice of 1/2 lemon
2 cups cooked chicken breast, cut into 1-inch cubes
1 cucumber, peeled, sliced thin and coarsely chopped
4 tbsp. red onion, finely chopped
Drizzle fresh cubed pears with lemon juice. In
large mixing bowl combine pears, chicken,
cucumber, and onion and set aside.
Blend vinegar, lemon juice, honey, mint, and
salt and pepper in food processor/blender until
Drizzle dressing over fruit and chicken mixture
and toss gently to coat. If not serving
immediately, cover and refrigerate. To serve,
re-toss gently, sprinkle with cinnamon and
arrange on plates with beds of lettuce.
Courtesy: AICR

Article of the Week
upper body strength is not as easy to develop as, for someone with testosterone
running through their system. Still through smart training one can achieve
chiseled upper back, shoulder and burn fat.
To perform a pull-up, you need to place your hands on a raised bar using an
overhand grip, arms fully extended and feet off the floor. Using the muscles in
your arms and back, pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. Then the
body is lowered until the arms are straight, and the exercise is repeated.
Read more