training is a well-known way to get the maximum benefits
of exercise in the shortest amount of time. New research
shows that when it comes to running, women may get more
out of high intensity interval training (HIIT) than
their male counterparts. We focus on 2 workout, namely
50-10's and 30-30's for fat loss. To learn more check
out this week's article,
High Intensity Interval training: a Stepping Stone for
Fat Loss.
In fitness,
Hot Fitness Tip
keep her skin looking young and fresh Madonna follows a
strict Macrobiotic diet, a low-fat, high fibre diet that
is predominantly vegetarian. The diet’s focus is on
healthy lifestyle and mind. Speaking about the diet
Madonna said: “macrobiotic means big life and it means
getting the most of life - most life out of your food.”
Words of Inspiration
Learn from it
the result is not what you expected, learn from it. When
you get the result you want, learn from that too. Every
experience is a wonderful opportunity to learn. Wisdom
comes from learning the difficult lessons which
experience teaches.
With wisdom comes respect, authority and effectiveness.
You pay a hefty price for wisdom, and yet what you get
is even more valuable than what you paid. It is indeed
difficult to console yourself to "learning from this"
when things fail to go your way. It is much easier to
get angry, to get depressed, to complain or even to
forget about the whole thing. But when you do that, you
end up paying the price without getting any value in
Whatever happens, let it increase your wisdom and,
ultimately, your success. Whatever happens, get past the
concerns of the moment and learn from it.
Success Quote
capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life.
It gives human beings a sense of destination and the
energy to get started."
Norman Cousins |

Healthy Recipe
Fresh Tomato Sauce
Makes: 6 servings
Nutritional Information:
Per 1/2 cup serving
Calories: 75 Kcal,
Fat: 3 g,
Carbohydrate: 12 g,
Protein:2 g,
Fiber: 3g,
Sodium: 19 mg. |
3 lbs. plum tomatoes
1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
3/4 cup finely chopped onion
1 large garlic clove, finely chopped
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh oregano, or 1 tsp. dried
1/2 tsp. sugar, optional
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil, or 1 tsp. dried
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Cut thin slice off top of tomatoes. Peel
tomatoes, using either serrated swivel-blade
vegetable peeler or hot water method. For this
method, drop 2-3 tomatoes at a time into large
pot of boiling water until their skins crack,
1-2 minutes. Immediately transfer tomatoes to
bowl of ice water.
When tomatoes are cool enough
to handle, use your fingers to pull off skin.
Halve tomatoes lengthwise and use your thumb to
push out seeds, then your fingers to remove
pulpy ribs. Chop tomatoes and set aside; there
will be 6-7 cups.
In large, heavy pot, heat oil over medium-high
heat. Add onion and cook for 3 minutes, stirring
occasionally. Add garlic and cook, stirring
often, until onion starts to color, 3-4 minutes.
Add tomatoes and oregano and stir well. Cook,
uncovered, for 15 minutes. Taste sauce, adding
sugar if it is too acidic. Mix in basil and cook
until tomatoes have broken down to your taste,
10-15 minutes for chunky sauce, 12-15 minutes
for pulpier one.
Note: Using ripe tomatoes is important.
Supermarket ones usually require sitting at room
temperature for 5 to 10 days to turn really red.
They make a more chunky and drier sauce than
local tomatoes in season because they are less
Courtesy: AICR

Article of the Week
"Women can work at a higher percentage of their maximum heart rate than the men and a higher percentage of their maximum oxygen consumption." This information has been published in "Sex-specific Responses to Interval Training" a study conducted by Drs. Matt Laurent and Matt Kutz, Human Movement, Sport and Leisure Studies at Bowling Green State University; Lauren Vervaecke,
Division of Applied Physiology, University of South
Carolina; and Dr. Matt Green, Department of Health,
Physical Education and Recreation at the University of
North Alabama.
High-Intensity Interval training (HIIT) is scientifically proven to burn
nine times more ugly, unwanted body fat than ordinary
Read more