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Volume No.: 621

Date: 15th August 2013


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Women Fitness is flooded with queries on weight loss, requesting information on yoga - as a tool for weightloss. There is no doubt that, Yoga can be a useful tool in the battle of the bulge, but before that one needs to understand how can yoga assist in weight loss and management. To learn more, check out this week's article, Understanding the weight reduction potential of Yoga.  
In fitness,

Hot Fitness Tip


Folate is an important B vitamin that may help protect against cancers of the colon, rectum, and breast. You can find it in abundance on the breakfast table. Fortified breakfast cereals and whole wheat products are good sources of folate. So are orange juice, melons, and strawberries.  

Words of Inspiration


Excellence not Perfection

Developing excellence doesn’t happen overnight. There is no quick and easy way to develop excellence in our lives or careers. We can’t attend a seminar and as a result magically become excellent. We can’t read a book and have it all figured out in a day. And we can’t just tell ourselves we have excellence and then automatically possess it. Developing excellence takes time; it’s hard work and can take a lifetime to develop.

The word excellence is defined as the quality of excelling, possessing good qualities in high degree. It also means to excel in something. The word excellent means something is very good of its kind, eminently good or first class. In other words, something that is excellent is superior.

Excellence is not perfection. It’s not performing flawlessly or without mistakes. Strive to excel and live a life full of good qualities.

Be patient with yourself, and note, practice makes excellence.


Success Quote


"Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly."

Shaquille O’Neal, basketball



Healthy Recipe


Fish Tacos with Cabbage Slaw

Makes:  6 servings 

Nutritional Information:

Calories: 274 Kcal, Fat: 9 g, Carbohydrate: 31 g, Protein:19 g, Fiber: 5g, Sodium: 117 mg.


  • 12 small corn tortillas (or substitute with whole-wheat tortillas)

  • 3 Tbsp. canola oil divided

  • 3 Tbsp. lime juice, divided

  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped and divided

  • 2-3 cups thinly sliced cabbage, mix of red and white varieties

  • 3 green onions sliced thinly

  • 1 small red onion sliced thinly

  • 1 large tomato chopped

  • 1 lb. Tilapia fish fillets

  • 3 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 tsp. ground cumin

  • 1/4 tsp. each salt and freshly ground pepper

  • Canola oil cooking spray

  • 6 lime wedges for garnish

  • Hot sauce (optional)


  • Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.
    Place tortillas in aluminum foil and cover completely. When oven has reached 300 degrees, place tortillas inside to warm. (This also could be done on grill while fish is cooking.)

  • Combine 2 tablespoons oil, 2 tablespoons lime juice, 1/4 cup cilantro, cabbage, green onions, red onion, and tomato dice in a bowl and set aside.

  • Season fish with garlic, cumin, salt, pepper, remaining oil and cilantro, and 1 tablespoon lime juice. Heat grill or grill pan over medium-high heat. Spray with cooking spray. Place fish on grill/pan, careful to only turn once so it doesn't break apart. Let cook over medium high heat for about 4 minutes on first side and then about 2 minutes on second side. Let rest on large plate for about 5 minutes. Carefully flake apart the fish into roughly 1-inch size pieces.

  • Assemble tacos by placing fish and then slaw in each tortilla. Serve immediately with lime wedges and hot sauce, if desired.


 Courtesy: AICR


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Understanding the weight reduction potential of Yoga
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Putting on weight, is mainly due to result of heredity or a change in our lifestyle that is conducive to storing energy (calories) in the form of fat tissue or heredity. These changes can include moving from an active lifestyle to a more sedentary one, changes in diet, increased consumption of fats, sugars and other foodstuffs that contain 'empty calories'. Other changes may be a disease or an accident that makes us reduce our activity, but we continue eating as if we were as healthy and active as before the incident.

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