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Volume No.: 617

Date: 18th July 2013


New Happening

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This week Women Fitness covered an interview on Brooke Burke, an American actress, dancer, model and a cancer survivor. The focus was on managing health (both, diet and exercise), post-natal recovery, family, and illness (thyroid cancer). WF Team would like to share with our members,  how determination, commitment and little bit of effort can help you overcome every hurdle towards healthy living. To know more check out, Brooke Burke Charvet: An Interview to Know Her Perfect Health and Fitness.
In fitness,

Hot Fitness Tip


Avoid the use of artificial sweeteners. They appear to disturb the body's ability to count calories and, as a result, diet foods and drinks may wind up encouraging weight gain rather than weight loss. It basically goes something like this: In a world without artificial sweeteners, a taste of something sweet preps the brain and the gut for digestion of incoming calories. When the calories don't show, as happens with artificial sweeteners, those metabolic responses don't fire the way they should. Insulin doesn't increase; hormones that increase the feeling of fullness and satisfaction aren't triggered; and the brain doesn't get a feeling of reward from the dopamine that sugars release.  

Words of Inspiration


Stand Tall like a Sunflower

Have you ever noticed how a tiny little Sunflower stand tall in a garden, nothing stopping it from developing. We too have the capability of doing the same thing. Once our environment begins to see that we believe in ourselves like that little Sunflower, we can attain the same nourishment and nurturing as well.

First, we need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the capabilities in achieving our desires. Just like the Sunflower, it knew it had the capability to overcome its obstacle because it trusted in the Universal Truth and had faith it would succeed.

Stand tall like the Sunflower and be proud of who and what you are and the environment will begin to support you. You will find a way to go under or around your big obstacle in order to reach your desires.


Success Quote


"Victory belongs to the most persevering."




Healthy Recipe


Lemon Baked Trout

Makes:  4 servings 

Nutritional Information:
Per serving:

Calories: 170 Kcal, Fat: 6 g (2 g sat fat), Carbohydrate: 7 g, Protein:24 g, Fiber: 3 g, Sodium: 42 mg.


  • Olive or canola oil cooking spray

  • 4 (4 oz.) trout filets, with skin

  • Sea salt

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • 2 – 3 lemons, Meyer if available




  • Set rack in center of oven. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Or, preheat gas or charcoal grill to medium-hot and prepare it for cooking with indirect heat.

  • Lay large sheet of heavy-duty foil over large baking sheet. Coat lightly with cooking spray. Arrange trout filets on foil, spacing about 1-inch apart and leaving at least 2 inches around edges. Coat fish lightly with cooking spray. Sprinkle each filet with a pinch of salt and 5 or 6 grinds of pepper.

  • Using sharp knife, cut off an end of a lemon. Cut lemon into the thinnest possible slices. Using the tip of the knife, flick the seeds out of each slice. Arrange 3-4 lemon slices down the center of each trout filet, overlapping them slightly. Lay another sheet of foil over fish and roll edges together to seal fish.

  • Bake trout for 15 to 20 minutes, or until fish is opaque and flakes easily at thickest point. (If using an outdoor grill, slide packet with fish onto grill and later slide it back onto baking sheet to help lift off grill.)

  • To serve, transfer each filet to a dinner plate. Encourage diners to eat lemon slices with the fish.




Article of the Week


Gut Microbiota: An Influential Factor in Obesity


Walking: an insurance against crumbling skeleton


Belly Binding: for a Pancake Belly After Child-birth


Li Na Second Highest Earning Female Sportsperson on this Planet: Her Diet and Workout


UV Awareness Month


Rate Your Self Image


Brooke Burke Charvet: An Interview to Know Her Perfect Health and Fitness
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Brooke Burke: "I don't believe in fad diets and quick fixes. I don't think they last and they do not work. For me, the key is really developing a healthy lifestyle and a diet that you can maintain. I don't even really like using the word diet, but I do eat sort of a "Mediterranean diet". This consists of lots of good fats, nuts, Herbs, spices, lean meat, fish, salads, and veggies. I also drink a ton of water and eat frequent small and healthy meals."

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