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Volume No.: 616

Date: 11th July 2013


New Happening

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Pilates is an excellent exercise option during pregnancy as it is great at building core strength. If your abdominals, back, and pelvic floor/Kegel muscles are toned, they will support a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery. To learn more read this week's on, Top 10 Prenatal Pilate Exercises while Seated.
In fitness,

Hot Fitness Tip


Many diet plans tell you what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat it. This does not teach you how to attend to your own cravings, desires, or hunger. This teaches you nothing about living and feeling healthier and happier. Everyone has different strengths, weaknesses, and eating patterns. You will only become successful when you learn to respond to your own feelings and not to what someone else says is right for you. It is critical that you learn how to be aware of and attend to both feelings of hunger and fullness, and learn what will satisfy you both physically and psychologically. Your own body, not someone else's routine (i.e. my meal plans), is the very best guide for how much you need to eat.

Try to get in the habit of tuning in to your internal cues of hunger, and not just eating the amount of food you think you should, or tuning in to external cues like the sight or smell of food. It's okay to eat any amount of food to feel both physically and psychologically satisfied. But you must learn to stop when you feel comfortably full, not stuffed.

Words of Inspiration



Many things at first seem quite impossible. Many obstacles at first appear to be solidly insurmountable. Many concepts initially seem unfathomable. Yet with enough focused concentration, a way can be found to achieve almost anything, to transcend any challenge, to understand the most profound complexities.

Though it is easy to become addicted to a steady diet of fast answers and instant solutions, there is much value in taking the time and effort to concentrate. By working your way steadily and purposefully through a difficult problem, you accomplish much more than just solving the problem.
In the process you raise yourself to a higher level of understanding, a level at which you have access to a wealth of new and valuable discoveries.

Don't just grab the first answer that comes along. Take the time to concentrate. Put your mind through an enjoyable, strenuous workout and feel the power as your mental muscles grow ever stronger.


Success Quote


"The purest intentions, the finest sense of devotion, the noblest spiritual aspirations are fatuous when not realized in action."

Abraham Joshua Heschel



Healthy Recipe


Tomato Soup with Chickpeas and Lemon

Makes:  4 servings 

Nutritional Information:
Per 1 1/2 cup serving:

Calories: 200 Kcal, Fat: 5 g (< 1 g sat fat), Carbohydrate: 34 g, Protein:10 g, Fiber: 9 g, Sodium: 461 mg.


  • 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

  • 1/2 small onion, chopped

  • 1 large carrot, sliced

  • 1 large rib celery, chopped

  • 3/4 cup sliced leek, white and 1-inch green parts

  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

  • 1 (14-oz.) can no salt added whole peeled tomatoes

  • 1 (15-oz.) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained

  • 1/4 tsp. smoked Spanish paprika

  • 3 cups reduced-sodium vegetable broth

  • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

  • 2 lemons




  • In large heavy saucepan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onion and cook until golden, 4 minutes, stirring often. Add carrot, celery, leek, and garlic, stirring to coat them with oil. Cook until leek slices are translucent and soft, about 4 minutes.

  • Add tomatoes one at a time, holding them over pot and crushing them in your fist. Add liquid from can. Add chickpeas, paprika and broth. Bring liquid to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered, until vegetables are almost tender, 20 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

  • To serve, divide hot soup among four bowls. Cut 1 lemon into quarters. Squeeze juice from a quarter into each bowl, straining out seeds. From center of second lemon, cut four 1/4-inch slices. Heat a dry cast-iron skillet or grillpan over high heat. Add lemon slices and cook until caramelized to brown and lightly charred in places, 1-2 minutes. Turn and cook for 1 minute. Set 1 lemon slice in center of each bowl and serve.

Source: AICR



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Top 10 Prenatal Pilate Exercises while Seated
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Pilates is an excellent exercise option during pregnancy as it is great at building core strength. If your abdominals, back, and pelvic floor/Kegel muscles are toned, they will support a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery.

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