or cannon ball workout are superbly effective for
three-dimensional movements to target the buttocks, as
these exercises require a powerful hip thrust. Jennifer
Aniston, Penelope Cruz, Kim Cattrall, and Kim Basinger
are big fans of kettle bell workout. Check out this
week's article, The 15 Minute Kettle-Bell Workout to a
Taut Butt, to learn more.
In fitness, Namita
Hot Fitness Tip
belly breathing twice a day (about 10 breaths each time)
for a week or so. Then build up to consciously
practicing it more often. It should become second nature
with practice. Breathing this way can help bring better
focus and clarity by bridging your mind and body. It can
also lower blood pressure and heart and respiratory
rates, help to circulate more oxygenated blood
throughout your body and release stress.
Words of Inspiration
It can be done
you go through this day, take note of the many good and
useful things which are the result of human creativity.
Consider the amazingly powerful ways know how to run
them, or telephones small enough fit in your hip pocket
from which you can call anywhere on the face of the
Earth in an instant.
Marvel at all the excellent books, tools, works of art,
safe and comfortable homes -- the list goes on and on.
Each of these exists because someone knew it could be
done. Someone had faith in an idea, and made the
necessary effort, often working alongside others, to
make that idea a reality. The evidence -- real, solid,
tangible evidence -- that it can be done.
Whatever you may set your sights on achieving, the odds
are very good that it can be done. Others have
accomplished goals just as challenging. They believed it
could be done. They insisted that it could be done. And
they did it. You can, too. Yes, it can be done. And now
is a great time to start.
Success Quote
more deeply the path is etched, the more it is used, and
the more it is used, the more deeply it is etched."
Jo Coudert |

Healthy Recipe
Red Velvet Cupcakes
Makes: 12 cup cakes.
Nutritional Information:
Per Serving:
Calories: 34 Kcal,
Fat: 1 g (<1 g sat fat),
Carbohydrate: 6 g,
Protein: 0 g,
Fiber: 0 g,
Sodium: 15 mg. |
1 cup canned beets, drained
1/2 cup reduced-fat buttermilk, divided
1/2 tsp. white vinegar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp. unbleached all-purpose flour
6 Tbsp. unsweetened natural cocoa, plus 1-2
tablespoons for decorating
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt, preferably kosher
1/3 cup canola oil, chilled
3/4 cup sugar
1 large egg, cold
Cream Cheese Frosting
2/3 cup confectioners sugar
4 Tbsp. reduced-fat cream cheese
1/2-1 tsp. vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Drop paper liners
into cavities of a 12-cavity regular size muffin
Working a knife up and down in a measuring cup,
coarsely chop beets. Place beets in blender, add
1/4 cup buttermilk and whirl until beets are
finely chopped. Add remaining buttermilk,
vinegar and vanilla and whirl to a puree, making
sure no lumps of beet remain. Set beet mixture
In small bowl, combine flour, 6 tablespoons of
cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and
salt, and set aside.
In medium bowl, combine cold oil and sugar. With
hand mixer on medium speed, mix until sugar is
evenly moistened. Add cold egg and beat at high
speed until mixture resembles mayonnaise and
sugar is almost completely dissolved, 90
Add beet mixture and beat until
combined. Sift dry ingredients into bowl and
mix, either on low speed or by hand until
combined with wet ingredients. Divide batter
evenly among lined muffin cups, filling them
about two-thirds full.
Bake cupcakes for 28-30 minutes, or until tops
feel springy and when one cupcake is lifted out,
bottom feels springy, too. Immediately transfer
cupcakes to wire rack and cool completely before
frosting. Cupcakes are best when stored
overnight at room temperature in covered
Ice cupcakes, using about 1 tablespoon of
frosting for each. Place remaining cocoa in a
strainer and sprinkle it over frosted cupcakes.
If desired, let cupcakes sit at room temperature
to let frosting set, about 2 hours. The frosted
cupcakes can sit at room temperature for up to
12 hours.
Cream Cheese Frosting
In small bowl, work sugar and cream cheese
together with wooden spoon or hand mixer until
combined. Mix in vanilla.
This frosting is best when refrigerated 8 hours
to overnight, loosely covered, before using. It
keeps in refrigerator for 5 days.
Makes a generous 2/3 cup.
Courtsey: AICR

Article of the Week
Muscles need to be fired up to maintain proper definition, especially on a weight loss program. Kettlebells or cannon ball workout are superbly effective for three-dimensional movements to target the buttocks, as these exercises require a powerful hip thrust. Jennifer Aniston, Penelope Cruz, Kim Cattrall, and Kim Basinger are big fans of kettle bell workout. According to one research exercisers burned about 20 calories a minute, or 400 in a 20-minute one kettle bell session.
Read more