lots to party around Christmas time, women
constantly complain of heartburn or acid reflux. This
week WF brings you a Top 10 Heartburn-Friendly Party
Snacks to add in your menu to keep a close watch on
your weight and parry stomach bloating.
Hurry, Join Women Fitness and shed that un-wanted fat
for $39.99 only.
Sign Up today to lose up to 2 lb each week leading up to Christmas Day.
-In fitness, Namita
Hot Fitness Tip
sitting on a plane or in a conference room, take deep
breath occasionally, tighten your stomach muscles, then
relax. Deep breathing exercises can help relieve stress
and tension. Incorporating some meditation on a daily
basis is also a good idea -- even if it's only for a few
minutes a day it will help you remain centered. If you
do so, the rest of your day will be more productive.
Words of Inspiration
Attitude is Altitude
tiny droplet of water is soft and relatively harmless.
If it were to fall on your head from out of the sky, you
probably would not even notice. Yet when enough tiny,
soft droplets are grouped together, they can form a
large and powerful storm, with the force to topple
buildings and alter the landscape.
Big things are made out of little things. To gain
control over the big things, you must control the little
things, over and over again. Small moments of time,
don't seem like much. They come and go largely without
notice. Yet, put enough of them together, focused on a
clearly defined objective, and they can bring truly
awesome results.
It is easy to set one brick on top of another. Do it
often enough and you have a strong, solid tall wall. It
is easy to pick up, the phone and make a single
prospecting call. Do it often enough and you'll build a
massive customer base. It is easy to put a few thoughts
on paper. Do it often enough and you've written a
Every achievement is built, one small step at a time.
Plan your steps. Then take them, one after another, and
you'll get yourself at the top.
Success Quote
going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't
just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along
and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change
your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you'll
love it up here."
Donald J. Trump
Healthy Recipe
Walnut Chai Tea Loaf
Makes: 12 servings
Nutritional Information:
Per Serving:
Calories: Calories: 210 Kcal,
Fat: 10 g,
Protein: 4 g,
Carbohydrates: 27 g,
Fiber: 2 g,
Sodium: 156 mg .
Canola oil cooking spray
1/2 cup boiling water
3 chai teabags
1 ¼ cups unbleached all-purpose flour
3/4 cup whole-wheat pastry flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup canola oil
3 large egg whites (can substitute 2 large eggs)
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 tsp. grated orange zest
2/3 cup chopped walnuts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat 8-inch x 4-inch loaf pan with cooking spray and set aside.
In heatproof measuring cup, steep teabags in boiling water for 10 minutes. Remove bags, squeezing well. Cool tea to room temperature.
In small bowl, whisk together flours, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In another bowl, combine applesauce, oil and tea. Set both bowls aside.
In mixing bowl, beat egg whites (or eggs) with electric mixer or whisk, 1 minute. Add white and brown sugars, beat together, then add wet ingredients. Add dry ingredients and zest and mix just until they are combined with other ingredients; there will be many small lumps. Use rubber spatula to blend in most small lumps, taking care not to over mix. Stir in nuts. Scoop batter into prepared baking pan.
Bake for 45-55 minutes, or until straw inserted into center of loaf comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack for 15 minutes. Turn loaf out of pan and cool completely.
This tea loaf is best when wrapped in foil for 8-24 hours, which allows flavors to ripen and loaf to become more moist.

Article of the Week
40 percent of Americans have heartburn at least once a
month, according to the American College of
Heartburn occurs when acid from the stomach moves
backwards from the stomach, up into the esophagus.
One of the biggest heartburn triggers is overeating.
With celebrations round the corner note, Big meals spell
big trouble. The solution? Eat small meals and snack in
between. That way you won't get too hungry, and will
less likely overeat.
Read more
