
Transverse Abdominus often referred to as the TVA- is the deepest muscle of the core (meaning it's underneath all the other muscles). It wraps laterally around the abdominal area. Acts as a natural weight belt, keeping your insides in. This week's article focuses on A workout to build your midsection. A must be read article for every women to understand why abdomen begins to sag over the years.
In fitness
Namita |
Exercising promotes the circulation of oxygen in the blood and floods cells with enough oxygen to get rid of cancer. Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes five to six times a week.
Build with Hard Effort
We build our lives, one day at a time. It is the quality
and quantity of effort we put in that will show the
results. We often put in less than our best into the
building of our lives. Then, with a shock, we realize we
have to live with the effort put in. If we could do it
all over again, we would do it much differently.
But, the fact is you cannot go back. You are the
carpenter of your personality, and every day you hammer
a nail, place a board, or erect a wall in your life.
Someone once said, “Life is a do-it-yourself project.”
Your attitude, and the choices you make today, help
build the “person” you will be tomorrow. Therefore,
build wisely — starting now!
"History has demonstrated that the most notable winners
usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they
triumphed. They won because they refused to become
discouraged by their defeats."
-B. C.
Healthy Recipe
Blackcurrant Sorbet
Makes: 6 servings
150g easter sugar
225g fresh or frozen blackcurrants
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tbsp creme de cassis or other blackcurrant liqueur
2 eggs whites (optional)
Pour 300ml/1¼ cups water into a saucepan and add the
sugar. Place over a low heat until the sugar has
dissolved. Bring to the boil and boil rapidly for 10
minutes, then set the syrup aside to cool.
Meanwhile, cook the blackcurrants in a saucepan with
30ml/2 tbsp water over a low heat for 5-7 minutes until
Press the cooked blackcurrants and their juice through a
sieve placed over a jug. Stir the resulting blackcurrant
puree into the syrup with the lemon juice and the
blackcurrant liqueur, if using. Allow to cool
completely, then chill for 1 hour.
Pour the chilled blackcurrant syrup into a freeze proof
bowl; freeze until slushy, removing and whisking
occasionally until it reaches this point. Whisk the egg
whites, if using, in a grease-free bowl until they form
soft peaks, then gently fold into the semi frozen
blackcurrant mixture.
Freeze the mixture again until firm, then spoon into a
food processor or blender and process. Alternately
freeze and process or blend until completely smooth.
Serve the sorbet straight from the freezer.
Nutritional Information: (per portion)
Energy 103Kcals/438KJ,
Protein 1.3g,Fat 0g,
Saturated fat
Carbohydrate 24.2g,
Sugar 24.2g,
Fibre (NSP)
Calcium 25mg
A workout to build your midsection
The midsection sits on the front and sides of the lower half of the torso, originating along the rib cage and attaching along the pelvis. It is composed of several muscles:
The Rectus Abdominus- is commonly known as the "six-pack" muscle of the abs. Thin bands of connective tissue give it that appearance. It helps to flex the spine (bringing the rib cage closer to the pelvis). This is seen in the abdominal crunching movement. When the movement is reversed, the Rectus Abdominus acts to bring the pelvis closer to the rib cage (e.g. with a leg raise movement). Exercises for building these muscles are: Crunch or Sit Up and Seated Leg Lifts.
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