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Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter
Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter

Thursday February 03, 2010

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This Week in Health


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Women often complain about lack of time and motivation to exercise. All of us can squeeze out 20 min of or daily routine to achieve a healthy weight and body. All of seem to spend enough time to go out for a movie, fun, parties etc. Is it that hard to track down 20 min for your health out of the 24 hrs in a day? This week we focus on how a 20 min input can change your life for good.

We at Women Fitness are flooded with innumerable queries from women all over the world. We greatly appreciate your effort and input in helping us change your lives for good and also for entrusting faith in us. Your queries, testimonials and input keep us going so do keep writing in.

In fitness

Hot Fitness Tip of the week

Bone density is of concern to women as they reach mid-life because women have a higher rate of osteoporosis and subsequent fractures. Women are at greater risk because: we loose bone mass after menopause, we start out with smaller bones, and we live longer. At about age 35, you have what is called Peak Bone Mass--your bones are as dense and strong as they will be. Before that time, the renewal phase was greater than the breakdown. Starting in the later thirties and continuing into the forties and beyond, this ratio reverses, so that about 1% of bone mass is lost each year.

Keeping a watch on calcium intake, vitamin D, limiting alcohol, smoking and caffeine and indulging in weight-bearing exercise you can keep bones stronger, longer.

Words of Inspiration



How can your life be full if your thoughts and actions are empty? The effort and essence that you put into each day, will determine what you get out of the day.


Clever shortcuts which promise reward without effort, will only bring the empty facade of success. To experience the genuine joy of being alive, you must live life with all the grainy details.


The things you think you want are mere symbols of your true desires. Thoughts and words, and the things they address, can only point the way. Fulfillment comes in the experience, for which there is no substitute.


Meaning is found not in the rewards, for they are only tokens. Seek not to have the gold medal. Instead, seek to be the person who can win the gold medal. It is in the quest that you'll find the fulfillment which the reward represents.


Learn more 

Success Quote

"Persistence is what makes the impossible possible, the possible likely, and the likely definite."
Robert Half

Healthy Recipe

Orange-Glazed Plantains


Makes: 4 servings.



  • 2 very ripe medium plantains, with peel on

  • 1/4 cup orange juice

  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

  • 1 1/2 tsp. unsalted butter

  • 1/4 cup (1 oz.) shredded queso fresco


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line an 8-inch square baking dish with foil.

  • Pierce each unpeeled plantain in 12 places, using a small, thin knife. Place the whole plantains in the baking dish. Bake 30 to 35 minutes, until the plantains are soft in several places when pressed with your finger.

  • Meanwhile, for the glaze, in a small saucepan, combine the orange juice, cinnamon and butter and bring just to boil over medium heat. Set the hot glaze aside.

  • Transfer the plantains to a cutting board, and set the baking dish aside. Increase the oven to broil. Cut off the ends of the plantains and halve them lengthwise. To remove the peel, run a thin knife along both sides of each half, separating the flesh and skin. Flip the plantains over and lift away the peel, using the tip of the knife as needed to detach the flesh. With a wide pancake turner, return the baked plantains to the pan, lining them up. Pour on the hot glaze and sprinkle on the cheese.

  • Place the pan under the broiler until the cheese is soft and browned in places, 2 to 3 minutes. To serve, halve the plantains crosswise and let them sit for 5 minutes. Use the pancake turner to place two pieces on each of four dessert plates. Spoon over the liquid from the pan, and serve.

Nutritional Information (Per serving):

  • 140 calories,

  • 2.5 g total fat (1.5 g saturated fat),

  • 30 g carbohydrate,

  • 2 g protein,

  • 2 g dietary fiber,

  • 15mg sodium

Article of the Week

20 Minutes to a better body


In this busy world of hush and rush, women find less time to their health. But note small changes in your lifestyle could add on to give you a better disease free, fit and healthy body.


We often hear people complaining lack of time and motivation to exercise or that they are too busy to workout. All of us can squeeze out 20 min of or daily routine to achieve a healthy weight and body. All of seem to spend enough time to go out for a movie, fun, parties etc. I often ponder on one question, Is it that hard to track down 20 min for your health out of the 24 hrs in a day?


What we really lack is the true desire to commit for the cause of healthy living. We all know the quote, Slow and steady wins the race.


Lets see how a 20 min input can bring about a positive change in your life.

  • 20 min of cardio: If time commitments force you to abandon your regular workout routine, don't worry -- you can achieve full-body fitness with a simple 20-minute effort. How? well that's simple, 20 min of daily cardio will build up to 1hr 40 min of cardio per week, 6 hrs of workout a month and so on. That sounds a pretty good effort for your physical and mental health. Walk or bike to work or on errands whenever feasible. According to the league of American Bicyclists, cycling to work not only can help your health, it also can save money. At work, try to devote your lunch hour to some sort of activity; a workout at the gym or at least a walk around the block – or several blocks. If you move briskly, you should be able to cover a mile in about 20 minutes, one you've gotten into the walking habit. Be sure to drink water throughout the day and be mindful of your posture throughout the day. Following a simple interval training routine will get your heart rate up and your blood flowing, and you will quickly improve your fitness and be rewarded with superior health.


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