For some women overeating means bingeing and for others
it means consuming more or other than planned. Most of
us are overeating for a hundred different reasons. We
are eating due to stress, irritation and frustration. It
may be worry or overwork. We eat because our stomach
feels ‘blah’. We are eating out of habit and with no
real direction or thoughts about what we are doing with
our face in the fridge. To learn more, check out this
week's article on Top 10 Triggers for Over-eating. In fitness
Namita |
Rib stress fractures, like any stress fracture are an
overuse injury, secondary to excessive stress on the
ribs. They generally occur in the 5th to 9th ribs and
are associated with periods of intensive training,
either on the water or on the ergo meter. The primary
hallmark of prevention is avoiding excessive loading of
the ribs. Also, incorporate rib strengthening exercises
into their circuit training to strengthen the serratus
anterior. |
Re-connect with your vision
Try to create a compelling vision of what you want to achieve that pulls you
towards it. Remind yourself why you are doing, what you are doing. What is the
end result going to be? Blow this vision up big and see it in full Technicolor.
You can make a collage of what your life will be like when you reach your goal,
or more importantly, who you will be when you reach it.
Another way of keeping it alive is to imagine seeing yourself in a film, living
the vision. You can alter the image until you are fully satisfied with it and
then step into the film so that you can experience it through you own eyes and
feel the feelings you will experience when you have achieved it.
Learn more |
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but
also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
--Anatole France |
Wheatgerm, honey and raisin muffins
1125g (40z) wheatgerm
2 teaspoons baking powder
Pinch of salt
75g (3oz) raisins
4 tablespoons clear honey
50 g (2oz) butter or margarine, melted
2 small eggs
about 6 tablespoons milk
Put the wheatgerm, baking powder, salt and raisins in a bowl, then add the
honey, butter or margarine and eggs.
Mix until blended, then stir in enough milk to make a fairly soft mixture
which drops heavily from the spoon when you shake it.
Put heaped tablespoons of the mixture into a greased 12 - bun tin, dividing
the mixture between the 12 sections. Bake in a preheated oven at 1800C
(3500F), Gas Mark 4, for 15-20 minutes, until the muffins have puffed up and
feel firm to a light touch. Serve warm.
Nutritional Information: (per serving)
Carbohydrates 16g / protein 4 g / fat 5g / kcal 125
Top 10 Triggers for Over-eating
For some women overeating means bingeing and for others
it means consuming more or other than planned. Most of
us are overeating for a hundred different reasons. We
are eating due to stress, irritation and frustration. It
may be worry or overwork. We eat because our stomach
feels ‘blah’. We are eating out of habit and with no
real direction or thoughts about what we are doing with
our face in the fridge.
Identify, the ten "triggers" for overeating and then try
to overcome them:
1. Boredom- You eat when you're bored or do not
have anything interesting to do or look forward to. TV
is a favorite pass time especially when you are alone at
home and bored. When food commercials are running 200
images per hour into our cerebral cortex it is difficult
not to be draw towards the refrigerator. If food
commercials are a trigger, watch nature shows or
commercial-free TV.
Beat it by: If you are just grabbing anything out
of the refrigerator, make something healthy like cut
veggies and leave them in the fridge.
2. Feeling Deprived- You feel deprived of the
foods which you enjoy and this leaves you craving for
them even more. Media's attitudes towards emphasizing
thinness as ideal has lead to restrictive dieting and
avoidance of whole groups of foods. Unfortunately,
because the foods being avoided are abundantly
available, and food visibility and availability are
powerful eating stimuli, the restrictor often breaks her
"plan" and eats a forbidden food. Once this happens,
overwhelming guilt followed by feelings of low self
esteem motivate the individual to go on over consuming
the avoided food in an attempt to numb these negative
Beat it by: Focusing on balancing the calorie
input to calorie output. Model healthy eating and
exercise habits. Do this as a genuine concern for your
own well-being. Eating high fat foods in moderation will
do no harm.
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