Term "weight loss" and "fat loss" hold completely
different meaning and you must know the difference if
you want to lose weight or lose fat effectively and
healthily. To understand the difference and learn ways
to preserve muscle, check out the article Choose fat
loss over weight loss. In fitness
Namita |
One of the
reasons why women tend to drop out is due to the
frustration of expecting high unachievable goals from
their exercise program and then failing to see results.
Try focusing on what you've already achieved, rather
than where you want to go with your weight. Also,
measure your success by more than just the scale. That
is, commend yourself for being more fit, feeling better
about yourself in general, being in a more "up" frame of
mind -- or whatever else your efforts at eating
healthier and exercising are getting you. With time,
weight loss should follow. According to the USDA a
realistic weight loss would be about 10 percent of your
current weight over about 6 months. Losing weight at
this slower rate will allow you to enjoy enough healthy
foods to feel satisfied and adequately nourish your
body. |
Accept life with a positive attitude
Life is full of risks. There is a certain element of risk taking that is
inherent in every venture we undertake; whether it is in business, or in
marriage, in a profession or in athletics. We never have complete security
within ourselves. For we know that every moment we live, our lives are in
constant danger. A stray bullet may hit us, a car emerging out of nowhere may
crush us, and a slip of the foot may result in our death. So life is
unpredictable. We get no warning, we are afforded no red alert, and we get no
second chance at life.
It will help you to accept life on its own terms rather than struggle against
it. Identify and move from the limiting and conflicting, "either/or," "black or
white," "all or nothing", illusory perception of life to an attitude that is
open to all aspects of reality.
Don't forget that God is a living energy to quicken, increase, and guide our own
energy. The infinite Power Source is a living elixir to lift up, sustain and
establish our own spirit. Being negative takes the spirit out of you. What is
the point of God increasing your spirit while you at the same time decrease it
with negatives? If you refuse God's gift of an abundant life, then you must do
without it.
Learn more |
"Every human has four endowments- self awareness,
conscience, independent will and creative imagination.
These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to
choose, to respond, to change."
Stephen R. Covey |
Fresh Tuna and
Tomato Stew
Serves: 4
12 baby
onions, peeled
900g ripe
675g fresh
45ml olive oil
2 garlic
cloves, crushed
45ml/3 tbsp
chopped fresh herbs
2 bay leaves
2.5ml caster
30ml sun-dried
tomato paste
150ml fish
salt and
ground black pepper
courgettes and fresh herbs, to garnish
Leave the
onions whole and cook in a pan of boiling water for 4-5 minutes until
softened. Drain.
Plunge the
tomatoes into boiling water for 30 seconds, then rinse in cold water. Peel
away the skins and chop the tomatoes roughly.
Cut the tuna
into 2.5cm/1 in chunks. Heat the oil in a large frying or sauté pan and
quickly fry the tuna until browned. Transfer the tuna chunks to kitchen
paper to drain.
Add the
onions, garlic, tomatoes, chopped herbs, bay leaves, sugar, tomato paste and
stock and bring to the boil, breaking up the tomatoes with a wooden spoon.
Reduce the
heat and simmer gently for 5 minutes. Return the fish to the sauce in the
pan and cook for a further 5 minutes. Season, and serve hot, garnished with
baby courgettes and fresh herbs.
INFORMATION (Per portion):
Fat- 18.7g,
Saturated fat-
Sugar- 11.3g,
Fibre (NSP)-3.3g,
Choose fat loss over weight loss
Term "weight loss" and "fat loss" hold completely
different meaning and you must know the difference if
you want to lose weight or lose fat effectively and
The human body is composed of a variety of different
tissue types including lean tissues (muscle, bone, and
organs) that are metabolically active, and fat (adipose)
tissue that is not. The sum total weight of all this
constitutes body weight and decrease in percentage of
muscle, fat and bone weight constitutes weight loss.
Where as decrease in body fat percentage constitutes fat
Body Weight Measurements: Standard body weight
scales provide a measure of total weight, but don't
determine the lean-to-fat ratio of that weight. Standing
on most scales can tell you only if you weigh more than
the average person, but not if that weight is fat or
muscle. Based only on scale weight, a 250-pound athlete
with 8 percent body fat may be considered "overweight"
by a typical weight chart. Such charts are not a good
indication of ideal body weight for general health or
for athletic performance.
Ideal Body Weight and Body Fat Percent: The ideal
weight and fat-lean ratio varies considerably for men
and women and by age, but the minimum percent of body
fat considered safe for good health is 5 percent for
males and 12 percent for females. The average adult body
fat is closer to 15 to 18 percent for men and 22 to 25
percent for women.
Athletes tend to be at low end of this scale due to
their increased lean weight (muscle mass). While low
levels of body fat seem to be related to improved
performance, body composition alone is not a great
predictor of sports success. Body fat among elite
athletes vary largely by sport. There is little evidence
of any benefit when men drop under 8 percent and women
drop under 14 percent body fat.
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