Rediscovering how our body is meant to move by feeling
it from inside, the perfect body is achievable, and your
own ideal body will emerge. You have to put time and
intelligence into regular practice, to learn more check
out this week's article, Rediscovering that Perfect
Body. In fitness
Namita |
brings with it a wide range of changes to a woman's
body. Without doubt, exercise is the menopausal woman's
best friend in a way that it allows to control your body
and emotions by using your internal resources.
Each time
that you take exercise, your adrenal glands are
stimulated to convert the male hormone androstenedione
into oestrogen. A minimum of four 30-minute exercise
sessions each week will help to keep your body producing
a little oestrogen. Long-term exercise also means that
you will have stronger bones and a lower risk of
osteoporosis than non-exercisers. |
Hold an optimistic outlook
Many people tend to assume that they will spend much of their lives either
unhappy or at least not really happy. However we have all seen those people who
do seem to be genuinely happy with their lives. They smile frequently, laugh
often, and seem to be in good humor most of the time. Yet this is not because
they are richer or more successful. Sometimes these people were just born with
the good fortune to have an optimistic outlook that life has not yet knocked out
of them, but often these people have simply chosen that they will be happy and
they recognize that there is always something about their lives that makes them
happy. You know this is true of yourself as well.
Concentrate on the areas of your life that give you happiness whenever you feel
unhappiness seeping in and no matter what assume that you will be, you can be, a
happy person.
Don't simply sit at home waiting for happiness to come knocking on your door. Go
out and live life. Think about what currently makes you happy and spend time in
those activities and think about what might make you happy and spend time
experimenting. The more time you spend actively living your life then the more
likely that you will also lead a happy life.
Learn more |
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live
the life you have imagined."
Henry David Thoreau |
Hot Fruit Salad
Makes: 6 servings.
175 g (6oz)
dried apricots
150 g (5oz)
dried prunes
150 g (5oz)
dried figs
600 ml (1pint)
apple juice
2 tablespoon
Calvados or brandy (optional)
25 g (1oz)
walnuts, coarsely chopped
Low – fat
natural yogurt, to serve (optional)
Place the
dried fruits in a bowl with the apple juice and leave to soak overnight.
Transfer to a
saucepan and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Turn into a bowl and pour over the
calvados or brandy, if using. Sprinkle with the walnuts and serve
immediately with low – fat natural yogurt, if liked
Nutritional Information:
Carbohydrate 17g , Protein 8g, Fat 9g, KJ 750, kcal 179
Rediscovering that Perfect Body
The image of the body beautiful is constantly with us,
whether in the media, with new looks of the rich and
famous or in adverts for new and miraculous supplements
or exercise fads.
What is a perfect body image?
Well it tends to have toned hips and legs with a pert
bottom, a strong stomach and an open chest. Only the
genetically gifted or determined fitness freaks seem to
embody this ideal, and yet this is in fact how everyone
is designed. We all have bigger muscles in our legs than
our arms because nature intended us to use our legs as
our means of transport. Around our middles are muscles
in a similar shape to a girdle that hold our internal
organs in the right place. Along our spines are muscles
similar to struts that can hold the spine long. In the
middle of our body we have a big hinge, the hips,
surrounded and protected by big muscles (thighs,
buttocks, hamstrings), which help us move around it.
So if we move using our hips as a hinge and our legs as
support they will be fitter and toned. If we then hold
ourselves upright using our "girdle" and maintain a long
spine with our "struts" we will then not tend to let our
stomachs bulge and our shoulders collapse.
Learn more about this article |