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Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter
Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter
Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter

Thursday August 27, 2009

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This Week in Health

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We all know that exercise is an essential part of managing our weight and our health. But for some of us, it's a constant challenge? Starting a weight loss & fitness program is easy (just like quitting smoking, most of us have done it a thousand times!) -- it's staying with it that proves trickier. This week we focus on Top 10 to prevent being an exercise drop-out.

Hot Fitness Tip of the week

One way of fighting boredom and also increasing the intensity and results from your training program is to take up - composite training. This is a combination of several different cardiovascular exercises, done one after the other. One example is, bicycling 15 minutes (after a warm-up and stretching the muscles used) to a track or running course, running or jogging 10-15 minutes, then bicycling back home, followed by a cool-down and stretching those muscles used. Or, if you work out in a health club, you could walk on a treadmill for 10 minutes (after warm-up and stretching the muscles used) and do the stair-stepper for an additional 10 minutes. If you're shooting for 30 minutes total in duration, you could then go right to the rowing machine and finish with a final 10 minutes, followed by a cool-down and stretching the same muscles as before.

Words of Inspiration

The Seed

We are full of energy and in need of direction. When that energy is guided toward creative achievement, the results can be spectacular. Plant the seed of encouragement in the fertile ground of a person's life, and it will grow into magnificent accomplishments.

Anyone has the capacity to do great things, yet far too few know it or believe it. No matter how fertile the ground may be, if no seed is planted, nothing will grow. How many lives have been wasted in misery and destruction because they never received even the smallest seed of positive encouragement?

A seed is tiny. Yet when it is planted in the right place and at the right time, and nurtured with care, that tiny seed can grow into a ceaselessly abundant harvest.

Think of the lives around you where the seed of encouragement can take root and grow. Think of the difference you can make when you encourage yourself and when you offer your encouragement to others. Think of the seeds that you have the opportunity to plant. Spread the seeds of encouragement far and wide, and delight in the bountiful harvest that they will surely bring.


Learn more 

Success Quote

"If you are serious about your goals, drop the conditions. Go directly to your goal. Be your goal! Conditions often disguise strategies for escaping accountability. Why not just take charge and create the experience you are looking for?"
-- Eric Allenbaugh

Healthy Recipe

Stir-fried Chinese cabbage


Makes:4 servings



  • 8-10 large Chinese cabbage leaves

  • 2 tablespoons oil

  • 125 g (4 oz) canned bamboo shoots, drained and sliced

  • 1 onion, sliced

  • 1 celery stick, sliced

  • lemon juice

  • slat and pepper

  • lemon slices, to garnish


  • Cut the Chinese cabbage leaves diagonally into thin strips.

  • Heat the oil in a nonstick frying pan or wok. Add all the vegetables and fry gently for about 8 minutes, stirring frequently. Add a little lemon juice and season with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with lemon slices and serve.

Nutritional Information:

Carbohydrate 5g / Protein 2 g / Fat 6g / kj 323 / kcal 78

Article of the Week

Top 10 to prevent being an exercise drop-out


We all know that exercise is an essential part of managing our weight and our health. But for some of us, it's a constant challenge? Starting a weight loss & fitness program is easy (just like quitting smoking, most of us have done it a thousand times!) -- it's staying with it that proves trickier.


Here are Top 10 tips that have been proven to keep even the most loyal couch spud on track:


1. Create a "team": by working out with a friend or a group of friends. Just like a football team, you will be more likely to stick it out if teammate (s) is encouraging you to "just do it." Another tactic is to swap gym tips with your workout friend after you finish to give you a reason to visit the gym again next day.


Unless exercise is prioritized and scheduled with the same sense of urgency as other important activities, exercise dropout will be the norm.


2. Setting Realistic Goals: One of the reasons why women tend to drop out is due to the frustration of expecting high unachievable goals from their exercise program and then failing to see results. Try focusing on what you've already achieved, rather than where you want to go with your weight. Also, measure your success by more than just the scale. That is, commend yourself for being more fit, feeling better about yourself in general, being in a more "up" frame of mind -- or whatever else your efforts at eating healthier and exercising are getting you. With time, weight loss should follow. According to the USDA a realistic weight loss would be about 10 percent of your current weight over about 6 months. Losing weight at this slower rate will allow you to enjoy enough healthy foods to feel satisfied and adequately nourish your body.


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