Women Fitness E-Mag can also be viewed at http://www.womenfitness.net/emag_current.htm

Volume No. 305

Thursday July 09, 2009




Headaches can be caused by eyestrain, indigestion, allergies, sinusitis, exhaustion or poor posture. There are many ways to treat and manage headache. This week we focus on yoga for headache management.

Also, checkout the article on Lunges: "The queen of exercises" for women.


Enjoy good health,
Namita Nayyar, AFI


Try to maintain a 'soft' knee while executing exercise movements and use the muscles of the inner thighs and buttocks to compensate instead. This will help to avoid knee pain which is often caused by improper foot and leg positioning, or by gripping or overextending the muscles around the knee joint.



Enjoy a healthy self image


Maintaining a strong healthy self esteem is not always easy in a society that has high expectations for performance and attractiveness.

Enjoy who you are . Look at your finger prints you are unique . No one else is exactly like you. The way you laugh and smile, the way you view the world, the way you think are uniquely yours.

Believe that your uniqueness is important . If all of us looked the same, thought the same and dressed the same the world would be a boring place indeed. Your uniqueness contributes to the vast and beautiful tapestry of our world and as such you are a valuable member of humanity. Accept your uniqueness . Accept who you are as you are right now, while preparing and planning for change and growth in the future.

Enhance your uniqueness. Cultivate an interesting personality. Experience life. Seek out adventure or take on a new challenge .


Note: WF Members receive motivation like this in their e-mail box every Monday morning! Those of you looking for added motivation, can go ahead to download Free motivational Wallpaper Changer at http://www.womenfitness.net/downloads.htm



"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal a commitment to excellence ...that will enable you to attain the success you seek. " 
-- Mario Andretti




Hot fruit salad


Serves: 6


175 g (6oz) dried apricots
150 g (5oz) dried prunes
150 g (5oz) dried figs
600 ml (1pint) apple juice
2 tablespoon Calvados or brandy (optional)
25 g (1oz) walnuts, coarsely chopped
Low - fat natural yogurt, to serve (optional)


  • Place the dried fruits in a bowl with the apple juice and leave to soak overnight.

  • Transfer to a saucepan and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Turn into a bowl and pour over the calvados or brandy, if using. Sprinkle with the walnuts and serve immediately with low - fat natural yogurt.

Nutritional Information: (per serving)

Carbohydrates 44g / protein 4g / fat 4g.



Yoga for headache management

Headaches can be caused by eyestrain, indigestion, allergies, sinusitis, exhaustion or poor posture. Types of headaches vary according to the cause and so do the remedies. Migraines and cluster headaches can be helped with yoga, but you must have the supervision and approval of your doctor.


Salute the sun every morning to prevent headaches.


Practice the following postures:

Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Push butt up toward ceiling...fiercely. Push hands and heels of feet into floor and let head hang downward. Pull belly button up into spine. And breathe deeply. Avoid pinching shoulders. Push shoulders away from ears.

Cobra (Bhujangasana)
Start in a crawl position kneeling on the floor . Rest hands on floor in vertical alignment with shoulders. Sit butt back into heels of feet... inhale deeply. Now exhale and push head and torso forward into cobra. Do not push up with arms. Use chest and middle back muscles. The cobra is a backbend ... careful not to push in on lower back.

Click here, to read the complete article on Yoga for headache management.

More Articles:

Lunges are a great strength builder for everyone from the beginning runner, to the 5K racer, to a seasoned marathoner, to the biathlete, to the serious bike racer. They are one of the most important exercises for the thigh and buttocks. Read more about Lunges: "The Queen of Exercises" for women at http://www.womenfitness.net/lunges.htm


Headaches, which result in over eight million visits to the doctor's office yearly, can be a benign symptom result of a stressful a day or a dangerous sign of a greater problem. What type of headache do you have, and what action do you need to take? Learn more in observance of headache awareness month at http://www.womenfitness.net/headache_month.htm


Today women are gaining full status as women in our society, they are getting educated and having careers. With the only disadvantage that their biology is working against them. At the age of 16, a woman had 400,000 eggs - but by the age of 46 there are virtually none left. Women loose around two eggs an hour. Read more about Fertility pill to delay menopause at http://www.womenfitness.net/fertility_pill.htm





















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