Namita Nayyar:
You are the First Slovenian rhythmic gymnast to win a medal in an individual apparatus final at the FIG World Cup series, the First Slovenian rhythmic gymnast to win a gold medal in an individual apparatus final at the FIG World Cup series, First Slovenian rhythmic gymnast to win a medal in an individual All-around at the FIG World Cup series and First Slovenian rhythmic gymnast to compete at the Olympic Games. How do you manage such remarkable achievements and how they shall be a catalyst to your more exceptional sporting achievements in the sports of rhythmic gymnastics to come?
Ekaterina Vedeneeva:
Depending on the competition, the preparation is always different, so the schedule of the day is also adjusted in accordance with the competition schedule.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Ekaterina Vedeneeva:
I don’t stick to diets; I try to eat right and regularly. Sometimes I can afford both fast food and cake. The main thing is to know the measure.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Ekaterina Vedeneeva:
I love pasta with salmon, tiramisu, pancakes, Caesar salad, cucumber. I don’t like bigos, cabbage rolls, jelly, pate, dumplings.
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your haircare and skincare routine. What special care do you take for both during extreme winter weather?
Ekaterina Vedeneeva:
I use salon products, I go to a beautician and a hairdresser, I select care depending on the condition of the skin and hair.
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