A pH (potential of Hydrogen) measurement reveals if a food/solution is acidic or alkaline (also base or basic). If the food/solution has an equal amount of acidic and alkaline molecules, the pH is considered neutral.
The range for pH is from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is considered to be neutral, neither acidic nor alkaline. Liquids that have a pH below 7 are acidic while those with a pH above 7 are considered to be alkaline.
The optimum pH for our blood and body tissues is about 7.2. When the body loses its alkaline reserve, pleomorphic virus, bacteria, yeast, and fungus take over and cause degenerative diseases such as, diabetes, cancer, aids,arteriosclerosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, etc.
To keep the blood and body tissue at an optimum pH, one needs to avoid acid forming foods. Make sure your food intake is 80% alkaline and drink plenty of water.
How the pH is Regulated?
Organic matter is taken into the body in the form of food. This organic matter is broken down into simple compounds (monosaccharides, amino acids, lipids etc). After metabolism, these compounds leave an acidic or alkaline residue in the body. The simple compounds contain elements such as sulphur, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. These minerals determine the H+ concentration and thus the acidity or alkalinity of the body. These elements are either acid-forming elements or alkaline-forming elements. The acid-forming substances are sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine, while the alkaline formers are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.
Mostly fruits are acidic in nature, but when broken down into their constituent elements, the acids are rendered neutral and the alkaline elements are dominant. Therefore, the end result of the organic breakdown and digestion of fruits and vegetables is alkaline in nature. |
Foods to Boost Alkaline State:
- Dark Green & Yellow Vegetables: brussel sprouts, carrots, cauliflower and celery are all alkaline foods along with cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, mushrooms, broccoli (6.2), onions, peas and pumpkins. Some other include alfalfa, fennel, celery, beets, chestnuts, almonds, chili pepper, tamari, ginger and cinnamon. Some other common vegetables that are alkalizing are chard, kale, dandelions and all others edible flowers, rutabagas and barley grass.
- Fruits: apples, avocados, bananas(5.6), cherries, grapes, lemons dried figs, apricots and limes, as well as pineapples, almost every kind of berry, tomatoes and tangerines. 1-2 drops of lemon or peppermint oil added to water can enhance alkaline state. The citric acid found in lemons has neutralizing effect during digestion, giving off carbonates and bicarbonates of potassium and calcium, which helps maintain the alkalinity of the system. Fresh squeezed fruit juices, aside from cranberry, are alkaline.
- Sprouted Grains
- Processed Milk Products: yogurt, butter milk, goat milk, tofu and cottage cheese, are alkaline.
- Egg
- Seeds & Nuts: Almonds, chestnuts, flax seeds, sunflower seeds and any other seeds that have been sprouted are all alkalizing protein sources.
- Low Sugar Foods
- Legumes
- Fatty Acids (omega 3 & 6)
Foods that add on to Acidic State:
- Packaged and processed foods
- Soda
- White Rice
- Lentil
- Peanuts
- Wheat
- Rye
In the study, 12 men and 8 women with reflux symptoms who hadn’t responded to medication were put on a low-acid diet for two weeks, eliminating all foods and beverages with a pH lower than 5. The lower the pH, the higher the acidity; highly acidic foods and beverages include diet sodas (2.9 to 3.7), strawberries (3.5) and barbecue sauce (3.7). According to the study, 19 out of 20 patients improved on the low-acid diet, and 3 became completely asymptomatic.
Strike for fewer high-acid foods and more high-alkaline ones. Regardless of pH levels, high-fat meats, dairy products, caffeine, chocolate, carbonated beverages, fried foods, alcohol and mints are known to aggravate reflux symptoms.
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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.