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Dietary Management of Pre-eclampsia

Taking Omega 3 fatty acids during pregnancy has been proven to help the mother and baby in the long run. Recent studies performed on mothers show reduced chances of developing preeclampsia and infants show greater visual acuity than non-exposed children.

A preeclampsia diet should be a balanced diet. Pregnant women need to eat good, healthy food which is  nutritious for the baby. To begin with  eat whatever is healthy & whole foods .

Vegetarians and vegans need to be very diligent about getting enough variety and vegetable proteins, but if they are, they will do just fine. Meat eaters need to add more nuts, seeds, beans and other vegetable proteins to acquire the proper variety of foods, as well. Eat the good food first and avoid junk food, desserts, white flour and sugar. This eliminates empty calories and maximizes the quality of the diet.

Stop looking for a “magic pill” or single cause and focus on prevention.

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