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Danni Levy: Fitness Trainer, TV Personality & Journalist Reveals Her Success Story!

Danni Levy
Danni Levy: An Exceptionally Talented and Accomplished Fitness Trainer, TV Personality and Journalist Reveals her Success Story

Danni Levy is one of Britain’s most celebrated media health figures. She has trained as a performer from Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts London and has appeared on the reality TV series ‘Life on Marbs’, ITVBe.  As the author of The Pyramid Diet (Penguin Publishing 2012), Danni’s works have been reproduced in Italian, German and Arabic. Danni currently writes for The Sun newspaper and has earned numerous high profile features. In addition to her skills as an author and journalist, Danni has appeared on dozens of fitness magazine covers, product endorsements and campaigns.

An Italia Conti trained performer, Danni has a passion for being in front of the camera. Her nutrition and fitness credentials have seen her become a regular TV expert and presenter for The Active Channel. Danni has had a number of shows on The Active Channel including the Beach Body Series, ‘Weight Loss for mothers’, the ever popular ‘Feminine & Fit’ series along with others.

She has also appeared with co-channel presenter Dean Ash on a variety of product shows as she explains the benefits of the LA Muscle supplement range and how they have helped with her fitness career.
Danni Levy is an exceptionally talented and accomplished Fitness Trainer and Journalist. She is in conversation with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have been trained as a performer from Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts London. You reached the pinnacle of success when you appeared as a cast of reality series ‘Life on Marbs’, ITVBe. Tell us about your journey that took you to the world of fitness and television?

Ms. Danni Levy:
I always knew I wanted to express my passion for health and fitness through media platforms such as television and magazines. I really enjoy writing and from a young age, I sought to combine my flair for the written word with my desire to perform and express myself on camera.I was fortunate enough to be approached by The Active channel and also Bravo TV and gain invaluable experience as a television presenter specialising in diet and fitness. Over the years, I have used my journalistic skills to research, produce and present a number of related shows for a variety of broadcasters worldwide.In 2015 I decided to become a cast member of ‘Life on Marbs’ on ITVBe after being approached in Marbella by the producers. Reality TV was never one of my personal ambitions, but it was certainly a lot of fun and provided me with an even bigger platform from which to promote my expertise and reach out to millions of people.

Full interview on Next Page!

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2016 Women Fitness

Ms. Namita Nayyar: How your experience and background of personal training for over ten years of working with a number of celebrities, has helped you in carving your present profession of being a fitness model and fitness expert?

Ms. Danni Levy:
I always like to stress that celebrities are just ordinary people, but for some reason everyone wants to train with you when you’ve worked with clients who are in the public eye. I think my repertoire as a personal trainer has definitely assisted me in building my brand. I qualified at the age of 18, so I have 14 years worth of experience under my belt and have enjoyed working with every single person I’ve helped- famous or not.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You are world leading Media personality, Model, Actress, Reality TV star, Style Icon, TV host & Reporter, Fitness Blogger, Nutritional expert, Author, Journalist and a Brand ambassador. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?

Ms. Danni Levy:
Thank you for the kind words. I didn’t really plan on branching into so many different sectors, but they really do go hand in hand. I believe that not only should you practice what you preach, you should also preach what you practice. In other words, if you can’t explain why you do what you do, and you can’t back results up with research, you’re not helping people to understand or benefit from your knowledge. I wouldn’t feel fulfilled if I spent every day posing in a bikini looking good and not explaining how I’d achieved that look, or presenting a sports or fitness show without having some journalistic input into researching the topic beforehand. I’d really like to get my teeth into more documentary style television- Louis Theroux is my idol!

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have selected the profession of fitness author and journalist that requires a lot of hard work, technical knowledge about exercise, health, fitness, nutrition and excellence in different faculties to finally succeed – how do you achieve that?

Ms. Danni Levy:
It’s taken many years of hard work and dedication to bring everything together, but I feel as if I’m able to get my knowledge across to the public in a big way now, and I couldn’t have achieved that without the help and support of friends, fans and media contacts with whom I’ve established such a fantastic relationship over the past 10-12 years.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Share your exercise routine that you do to maintain such a bikini perfect physique?

Ms. Danni Levy:
I train a split routine and also do fasted hill runs everyday- even Christmas day. I’m really lucky because I live right by the beach, so I always start my morning with a 5k jog topped off with a mammoth hill sprint before breakfast. My gym routine consists of a LOT of glutes and leg work. I rarely train upper body because I’m naturally very muscular and try to stay looking slightly soft up top.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: What is your diet? Do you take a particular fixed regulated diet comprising of nutrients and vitamins to keep you in perfect health?

Ms. Danni Levy:
It normally surprises people to hear I don’t take any vitamins or supplements. I firmly believe if you eat correctly and you don’t suffer from a deficient, you should derive all the vitamins and nutrients you need from a balanced diet that compliments your training. I try to eat protein with every meal, consuming 5-6 small meals a day, but don’t deprive myself of the odd treat if I fancy one. Life is too short to be neurotic, but too long to live on junk food!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hair to make them look so stunning?

Ms. Danni Levy:
My hair is all extensions! I cut it into a short bob and caved in two days later- sticking it all back in again! Everyone told me it looked great but I didn’t feel feminine. I put olive oil on my skin and try to avoid the sun- which can be tricky when you live in Spain!


Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Fitness modelling is about bold photo shoots. What advice you wish to give to the women of today to be body confident in order to do such bold modelling?

Ms. Danni Levy:
We live in such a liberal world and I say if you want to try your hand at something, go for it! The most important rule is to not let others put you down or put you off. Do things for YOU, not to impress others, and absorb praise and encouragement, not criticism. There will always be someone with something nasty to say- just don’t take it personally.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding fitness modelling girls who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to ladder of success in field of fitness modelling?

Ms. Danni Levy:
I always say if you don’t have a goal in mind, how can you expect to score? Set your sights on something and go for it, and don’t veer off track! It’s so easy to give up or start comparing yourself to other girls in such a competitive industry, but remember your only real competition is yourself!

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You were one of the stars of ITVBe series, ‘Life on Marbs’. Tell us more about this endeavour of yours?

Ms. Danni Levy:
‘Life on Marbs’ was a whole lot of fun and games, and also stressful at times. I struggled with the gossiping and back-stabbing, but we’re all such close friends in real life we didn’t let that get us down. I loved training the boys on the show, Mark ‘ze German’ and Joss Mooney. Joss thought he was super-fit because he looks buff, but when I made them do a cross-fit circuit he looked as if he was about to pass out! I’m sure he’ll get his own back on me in the weights room one day!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Your website provides quality information on workouts, fitness videos, healthy recipes and 30-day Fat Loss plan to sculpt one’s dream body. Elaborate more about the personalized fitness program you offer?

Ms. Danni Levy:
I just love helping my online clients achieve their personal goals. I devise a unique diet and fitness plan for every single one of my members, consisting of easy to follow recipes accompanied by either a home or gym-based exercise routine. I’m proud to say I have a 100% success rate in helping people reach their goal weight and/or sculpt their body. I really enjoy experimenting in the kitchen to constantly come up with new, tasty, clean recipes so that my clients don’t feel as if they’re on a ‘diet’.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Who has been your biggest influence and motivation in your path to success?

Ms. Danni Levy:
I always try to be my own motivation, but I’m a huge Michelle Lewin fan. I have so much respect for so many fellow fitness girls, especially the ones who retain that feminine look to inspire other women to achieve something attainable without the need for contentious supplementation.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
With exceptional hard work you are credited with all your achievements. Do you believe that does the hand of Providence (Supreme Being) played a role in your success?

Ms. Danni Levy:
I believe you get what you work for; not what you wish for. If you want something enough anything is possible, but I’m very grateful for where I am today.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?

Ms. Danni Levy: provides such a comprehensive and unique platform for women to gain advice and tips on all aspects of diet and fitness. When there is so much information available on the web today, you need to know you are visiting a trusted source of knowledge, and this is one of the best websites I’ve seen for providing members with a clear, concise and accurate view on these topics. Thanks for helping keep this industry such a positive one!

To know more about Danni Levy: Check out:

To get all the latest news follow her on her social networks:

Women Fitness Team thanks Danni Levy for giving us her valuable time for this interview and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her and making this interview happen.


All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2016 Women Fitness

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